Wyoming Resident proposal for 2014 legislature



The Wyoming Game and Fish is currently looking for ways to increase
revenue to the department. The primary result will be an increase in resident and nonresident license fees. This is a proposal that would provide options other than just increasing licensing fees alone while still achieving
a substantial revenue increase to the department. You may or may not know how the department structures its license drawing system
presently. This quote is from the Wyoming state legislature website
re-license draw procedure. ?The computer initially processes all first choices on all applications. If an area and type is full, and an applicant's first choice cannot be fulfilled, that application is suspended in a temporary file until the computer has reviewed and assigned licenses to all available first choices. The computer retrieves the applications held in the temporary file and goes through the same process, using the applications? same random number, for second and third queries.? This selection method often makes your second and third choice option superfluous. Since all first choices are processed first leaving GEN license, sub par, doe, fawn, or cow calf permits as the only possible draws for second choice.
The ?Fair License Fee Proposal?
As it pertains to residents it suggests rather than relying solely on
increased base license fees, the Wyoming G&F amend the verbiage of the ?Computerized Draw Process? such that when your application is drawn, your first choice, second choice, and third choice are considered before your license is suspended or considered unsuccessful. This proposal would apply to deer, antelope, and elk applications only. The pure random draw seems to be the
preferred selection method for the vast majority of applicants. The present system is a semi-random draw because it segregates first, second, and third choices. This proposal results in a pure random draw. The revenue increase portion of this plan comes in the form of an additional application charge for each of the second and third choice options. A person applying for only a first choice would see no additional license costs. Applicants opting for additional choices would pay an additional fee for each additional choice. Proposed fees would be $8 for antelope, $10 for deer, and $12 for elk. Your second and third choice would genuinely have a chance at that tag, as is generally not the case presently. Unsuccessful applicants on all choices could still purchase a general or left over license. Youth, Pioneer, and Pioneer Heritage applications would not be charged this fee. All second and third choices which are cow/calf, doe/fawn, or anterless permits would not be assessed an additional application fee for that choice. The big advantage is an applicant could apply for three areas and they would be considered in the same manner as the first choice draw is currently. This is a demand based revenue generator. If Wyoming Game and Fish improve access, game quality, or overall sportsman experience, then
applicants would be compelled to purchase second and third choices
increasing revenue. These are all voluntary fees. Those not wishing to
participate would simply apply with a first choice option only and see
no increase in license costs.
If you agree that the ?Fair License Fee Proposal? is a viable alternative to substantial license fee increases please share this page with others.
Good luck as long as this is going to be submitted strictly for a resident draw and I won't even comment on some of the statements made trying to convince people, but I imagine some residents will point out the erroneous comments being used.
This will add everyone to the pile on the best units and give no reward to those willing to hunt the "Less Popular" places on their first choice now. This is only good for those that want to have premium tags and not pay the price of hunting leftover areas as it sits now. 2 cents from a NR that hopes to be a Resident some day.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-13 AT 01:00PM (MST)[p]This would make the odds worse in both the high profile units and for the easier to draw units - as most will list a very hard to draw unit like 58 as the 1st choice and then a unit that currently has ~30% odds as the 3rd choice. I think the common sense way is to raise both nonresident & resident tags the same percentage amount while the F&G department cuts some of the "fluff".
Possibly charge more for LE tags? $120 is a bargain for a sheep tag - I imagine the cost to manage sheep & goats far exceeds the revenue generated from tag sales.
Future increases should be tied to the state inflation rate, somewhat like Colorado. That way the increase does not seem so large every 5 years.
If we don't agree its a viable alternative, can we still share with others? From what I remember, your plan would allow someone to draw a tag on their third choice before I drew with my first choice. I think that sucks. I hope the G&F never adopts such a useless alternative...
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-13 AT 09:14AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-13 AT 09:01?AM (MST)

Game and Fish's job is not to satisfy every unsucessful applicants concerns. But rather to be concerned with every successful applicants satisfaction
>Game and Fish's job is not
>to satisfy every unsucessful applicants
>concerns. But rather to be
>concerned with every successful spplicants

***LOL!!! Maybe you should suggest that as the new motto of the Wyoming G&F, as that's a real dousy!!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-13 AT 08:21AM (MST)[p]Okay, The way I see the funding situation is that everyone expects the sportsman or hunter to pay the cost.

All others who enjoy the wildlife are not expected to pay any cost.

So therefore I propose a 1/8 cent sales tax with a maximum limit of $25 per transaction, excluding tax on food and medicines.

That way everybody will be paying the affair share not expecting the sportsman or hunters pay the full cost.

That would never go over. Because that would take a vote by the people.

I'd be glad to pay 1/8 cent tax. To see future progress continue and keep jobs.
bowedark---I don't know that a proposal like you and I have brought up would take a vote by the people. It was mentioned in the other thread yesterday where we're discussing funding that there is a 10 cent increase in the state gas tax taking affect at some time this year and that surely wasn't voted on by the people.

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