Wyoming Ram Tag Numbers Proposals


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-14 AT 04:33PM (MST)[p]Looks like the current proposal for ram tags in Wyoming has been cut by 18 permits...we'll see if it gets accepted. Public meeting tab on Fish and Game page.
I know...interesting read...some big cuts for ceratin species/certain areas like area 59 antelope down to 30 (what the heck is going on there). I also found it intersting that they plan to redo the boundaries of 100, 118, and 24 elk in 2015...pretty big change (Rawlins slides).
Tag cuts are very steep this year. I was not expecting such widespread cuts, especially considering the state of the G&F budget. Any body know what is prompting cuts for nearly all species? Is it really that our herds (even elk and antelope) are in this rough a shape, or is something else influencing the changes?
Thanks for the heads-up Brad.
You and I talked about a few of the unit numbers but I'll hop on the site and review them all.
Interesting isn't the word I'd use, distressing is more like it!
Things are getting interesting....errr distressing!
Good luck to us all in the draws!

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