Wyoming Pronghorn



I'm doing a DIY Pronhorn Hunt in Wyoming in 2006. I'm looking at unit numbers 65, 66, 67, 104. I would hope to take a 14" Antelope or larger. Either with a bow or gun. Which unit would be best? What are the odds of drawing there on the buddy system? Thanks for your help.
Don't know anything about those units, but you can go to the WDOW website and they have harvest rates and draw odds. If you have never applied in Wyoming, they have regular and special antelope tags. The special is about 200 bucks more and you have a better chance of drawing. 104 has an asterick meaning lots of private. The others mentioned don't. All the information you are asking is on the website. Good luck
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-05 AT 07:27PM (MST)[p]Slider, I live next to areas 66 and 67. I have hunted these two areas all my life and have taken some good bucks in both. They don't issue that many permits though. Area 66 for several years now has only issued 75 permits and 67 is down to 100 or 125. I have only drawn twice for area 66 since 1993 and have put in every year. Yeah the odds aren't good for me but I know the area and is my favorite to hunt and don't want to drive the extra miles to hunt elsewhere.
I can remember back in the 80's area 67 used to issue 900 permits and area 66 would issue 600. You can compare as see what drought and predation has done to our local Fremont county herds.
There is some private ground down on the creek bottom in area 66 but one ranch lady will let you on her place. 65 also has a lot of public ground and some private down on the Sweetwater River. All three areas have plenty of public ground to hunt without having to ask permission to access private.

Not sure of the draw odds on the buddy system.

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