Wyoming Mule Deer


Active Member
It is time for deer hunters of Wyoming to go to as many meetings and talk to Game and fish officals this winter. They are looking for ideas to help fund the dept. 60% of there budget comes from licensing. They are contemplating raffling off tags to generate revenues. Go to the web site and take the survey make comments. We have an opportunity to make significant changes in Wyoming. Get involved ask questions. Be part of the solution not part of the problem.
Here are the proposed fee adjustments

Proposed License Fee Adjustments for the 2013 Leglislature
If Approved - Would be Effective January 1, 2014
Proposed license bill also includes a provision for annual increases based on inflation
License Fees Under the Authority of the Wyoming Legislature
Antelope Pioneer Antelope $ 2.00 $ 2.00
Resident Antelope $ 31.00 $ 45.00
Resident Youth Antelope $ 15.00 $ 15.00
Nonresident Antelope (Fishing and Small Game) $ 270.00 $ 400.00
Nonresident Special Antelope (Special fee + Regular fee = $700.00) $ 240.00 $ 300.00
Nonresident Youth Antelope (Fishing and Small Game) $ 110.00 $ 110.00
Deer Pioneer Deer $ 2.00 $ 2.00
Resident Deer $ 36.00 $ 48.00
Resident Youth Deer $ 15.00 $ 15.00
Nonresident Deer (Fishing and Small Game) $ 310.00 $ 480.00
Nonresident Special Deer (Special fee + Regular fee = $780.00) $ 240.00 $ 300.00
Nonresident Youth Deer (Fishing and Small Game) $ 110.00 $ 110.00
Elk Pioneer Elk $ 5.00 $ 5.00
Resident Elk $ 50.00 $ 65.00
Resident Youth Elk $ 25.00 $ 25.00
Nonresident Elk (Fishing and Small Game) $ 575.00 $ 650.00
Nonresident Special Elk (Special fee + Regular fee = $1.250.00) $ 480.00 $ 600.00
Nonresident Youth Elk (Fishing and Small Game) $ 275.00 $ 275.00
Moose Resident Moose $ 110.00 $ 175.00
Resident Moose Preference Point $ 7.00 $ 8.00
Nonresident Moose $ 1,400.00 $ 1,750.00
Bighorn Sheep Resident Bighorn Sheep $ 115.00 $ 250.00
Resident Ram Big Horn Sheep Preference Point $ 7.00 $ 8.00
Nonresident Bighorn Sheep $ 2,250.00 $ 2,500.00
Mountain Goat Resident Mountain Goat $ 120.00 $ 260.00
Nonresident Mountain Goat $ 2,150.00 $ 2,600.00
Bison Bison Entry Fee $ 6.00 $ 7.00
Resident Bison Bull $ 400.00 $ 480.00
Resident Bison Cow/Calf $ 400.00 $ 250.00
Nonresident Bison Bull $ 2,500.00 $ 3,000.00
Nonresident Bison Cow/Calf $ 2,500.00 $ 1,500.00
Fish Resident Daily Fishing $ 4.00 $ 7.00
Resident Fishing $ 22.00 $ 30.00
Resident Lifetime Fishing $ 300.00 $ 375.00
Resident Youth Fishing $ 3.00 $ 3.00
Nonresident Daily Fishing $ 12.00 $ 12.00
Nonresident Fishing $ 90.00 $ 90.00
Nonresident Youth Fishing $ 15.00 $ 15.00
Commercial Fish Hatchery $ 180.00 $ 220.00
Fishing Preserve $ 130.00 $ 160.00
Live Bait Dealer $ 65.00 $ 80.00
Seine or Trap Fish $ 18.00 $ 22.00
Black Bear Resident Black Bear $ 43.00 $ 50.00
Nonresident Black Bear $ 360.00 $ 375.00
Mountain Lion Resident Mountain Lion $ 28.00 $ 34.00
Nonresident Mountain Lion $ 360.00 $ 375.00
1Proposed License Fee Adjustments for the 2013 Leglislature
If Approved - Would be Effective January 1, 2014
Gray Wolf Resident Gray Wolf $ 18.00 $ 22.00
Nonresident Gray Wolf $ 180.00 $ 220.00
Grizzly Bear Resident Grizzly Bear $ 600.00 $ 750.00
Nonresident Grizzly Bear $ 6,000.00 $ 7,250.00
Game Bird/Small Game Resident Daily Game Bird/Sm. Game $ 7.00 Eliminate
Resident Game Bird $ 14.00 $ 10.00
Resident Game Bird/Sm. Game $ 22.00 $ 15.00
Resident Lifetime Game Bird/Sm. Game $ 300.00 $ 375.00
Resident Lifetime Game Bird/Sm. Game/Fishing $ 480.00 $ 600.00
Resident Small Game $ 14.00 $ 10.00
Nonresident Daily Game Bird/Sm. Game $ 18.00 $ 22.00
Nonresident Game Bird/Sm. Game $ 70.00 $ 85.00
Nonresident Youth Game Bird/Sm. Game $ 40.00 $ 40.00
Game Bird Farm $ 130.00 $ 160.00
Turkey Pioneer Turkey $ 2.00 $ 2.00
Resident Turkey $ 14.00 $ 17.00
Nonresident Turkey $ 70.00 $ 85.00
Falcon Resident Capture Falcon $ 36.00 $ 45.00
Nonresident Capture Falcon $ 240.00 $ 300.00
Hunt with Falcon $ 14.00 $ 17.00
Stamps/Coupons/Other fees Resident Application Fee $ 5.00 $ 6.00
Nonresident Application Fee $ 14.00 $ 17.00
Resident Archery $ 14.00 $ 17.00
Resident Youth Archery $ 6.00 $ 6.00
Nonresident Archery $ 28.00 $ 34.00
Nonresident Youth Archery $ 12.00 $ 12.00
Resident Fur Dealer $ 50.00 $ 60.00
Nonresident Fur Dealer $ 275.00 $ 340.00
Resident Taxidermist $ 65.00 $ 80.00
Nonresident Taxidermist $ 700.00 $ 850.00
Resident Trapping $ 42.00 $ 50.00
Resident Youth Trapping $ 6.00 $ 6.00
Nonresident Trapping $ 240.00 $ 300.00
Capture Furbearer $ 18.00 $ 22.00
Conservation Stamp $ 12.00 $ 15.00
Lifetime Conservation Stamp $ 180.00 $ 220.00
Duplicate Fee $ 3.00 $ 3.75
Land Owner Coupons $ 16.00 $ 16.00
License Agent - License $ 2.00 $ 2.00
License Agent - Stamp and permit $ 0.50 $ 0.50
Special Management Permits $ 12.00 $ 15.00
Watercraft One-year Registration Fee $ 15.00 $ 20.00
Watercraft Three-year Registration Fee $ 40.00 $ 50.00
Watercraft Duplicate Registration Fee $ 5.00 $ 6.00
Wyoming Interstate Game Tag $ 6.00 $ 7.00
License Fees Under the Authority of the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission
Reduced Priced Doe/Fawn and Cow/Calf No Increase
Nonresident Preference Points No Increase
$700 for the special draw non-resident antelope tag! OMG!!

They're going to push themselves into a corner like MT.
Aren't most of the meetings held after the legislature convenes? At this point, I think its in our elected officials hands.
Budget short falls will grow with these increases. I took the survey but I ain't holding my breathe on seeing much change from the proposed price changes.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
>Budget short falls will grow with
>these increases. I took the
>survey but I ain't holding
>my breathe on seeing much
>change from the proposed price
>"Courage is being scared to death
>but saddling up anyway."

What survey?
If the special tags arent drawn...they go to the regular draw.

They'll still sell the tags, just not in the pools they want them sold in.

My guess.
More info on Wyomings budget problems. I was told today between FedExcess tax and the sale of licenses makes up 80% of the budget the rest would come from the General Fund. Whenever you depend on the sale of licenses to fund the budget you lose the ability to manage the animals effectively. For example during good times they sell 30,000 deer licenses. The next year a bad winter kills 50% of the deer statewide. Game and Fish cannot afford to cut the licenses by 50% because it would bankrupt them. Another example-- Region G in 2010 sold 785 non-resident deer licenses. We had a terrible winter of 2010-2011 where 60%-70% of the deer died. 2011 hunting season Game and Fish only decreased the quota by 4 licenses. In 2012 they reduced it by 220 licenses. We need to come up with alternative funding sources. Special use fees, parcel fees, sales tax earmarked for Game and Fish, State income tax earmarked for Game and Fish. I spoke with my State Legislator and gave him what I thought. I just don't know what would be best. What Ideas do you have to creat funding?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-12 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]A 1/8th of cent sales tax across the board earmarked for wildlife would solve the budget woes.

Taking some money from the mineral trust is also another way.

Someone else on the other thread on this subject looked at the amount of natural gas produced in WY and a tax on that would raise a ton of revenue.

WYSFW and their leadership intend to gut the WYG&F looking for programs/employees to cut attempting to cost save their way out of a 6-10 million shortfall.

Did you find your State Legislator to be helpful and willing to carry anything to the Legislative Session to address the problem? In my experience all you need is to find 1-2 that know the score on issues like this and they'll run with it.

We need to find a few to carry and/or draft legislation to get a long-term funding solution going NOW. WYSFW wants to wait until sometime after hell freezes over.

I also agree that poor decisions on license numbers, types, etc. are made when there is a black cloud of funding hanging over the decisions.

Thanks once again for attempting to know the intentions of WY SFW. Where did you learn how to read minds?

Does anyone really think that Wyoming should be increasing taxes during uncertain economic times? Really? Come on, BuzzH even you must understand that most of the average guys not working for state or federal government are struggling just to keep their head above water.

WY SFW is working to develop ways to increase funding for the G&F Department without obligating the G&F to turn to non-traditional funding sources. I do not believe for one minute that the Legislators would allow significant general funds without taking over complete control of the G&F budget. Sportsmen should be aware of this minor (that is sarcasm for BuzzH) potential hiccup to any non-traditional solution.

Fixing our mule deer herds remains one of the best ways in which revenues can be increased without deviating from traditional funding mechanisms that have served sportsmen for so long.

WY SFW also believes we need to know what the priorities are for the G&F Department & Commission. It sure appears that the G&F has been able to find areas to cut without cutting into programs so far. Further exploration is warranted as I believe many inefficiencies exist within the G&F.

Has anyone read the 2012 Wyoming Mule Deer Hunter Attitude Survey?
Here is the link: http://wgfd.wyo.gov/web2011/Departments/Wildlife/pdfs/WYMD_HUNTEROPINIONSURVEY_FINAL0003280.pdf

It is long but an interesting read. After reading it, I believe it strengthens our position to oppose license fee increases.

I look forward to seeing those which choose to attend the Green River mule deer meeting tonight.

How do YOU know what the citizens of Wyoming are willing to pay for proper wildlife management? Wildlife, and the funding of same, enjoys broad support by all Wyoming Citizens. Why not put the 1/8th of cent sales tax idea on the ballot? Let the citizens decide if they're serious about funding wildlife. Lets not take the word of Bob over at WYSFW that they dont want to fund it. I dont know many people, hunters or not, that dont find value in Wyomings Wildlife...and its more than intuitively obvious they're willing to pay for it.

In case you've been asleep for the last 20 years, Wyomings economy is pretty damn good compared to the rest of the country. Funny that we can still fund every fuggin' school, every community college, etc. via the mineral trust and sales tax...but we just cant seem to find anything to help wildlife?

What a g-damned joke.

You arent working on chit to find alternative funding. You've offered up cutting employees and programs for your "alternative funding" that wont even make up the shortfall...let alone fund any additional research or habitat programs that you suggest.

You said it, I didnt.

I know, lets wait for another 20 years for the economy to turn around so we can find some money...whats left of the mule deer by then will thank you for your "support".

If your thought process wasnt so tragic...it would be funny.

I never claimed to "know" what the citizens of Wyoming are willing to pay for proper wildlife management. What I did say is that if general fund dollars are procured for G&F you can all but guarantee that the legislators will completely oversee the G&F budget.

Amazing how you know so much about my intentions and what I am working on.....

Like the Legislature doesnt have any control now?

Who the frick do you think "appoints" the G&F Director, the G&F Commission? Who do those people answer to?

Santa Claus?

Give it a break Bob, you know the Legislature has control now, and would have no more control if outside funding was brought in.


You cannot be so naive as too think that the legislature would not take over the entire G&F budget if significant general funds are appropriated. Do you think they would allow the agency to continue operating as they do now? No, they would make them a state agency just like every other agency which derives its funding from general funding sources. Be careful for what you are asking for as you just might get it. I would rather see the G&F maintain its independence as well as its own funding mechanisms.

May be that's just me but from what I have seen many like the G&F being independent.

Gotta run man, my axe needs sharpening........
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-12 AT 10:30AM (MST)[p]Bob,

WTF are you talking about?

Outside funding will "make them a State agency"?

Last time I checked, they ARE a State Agency? WYOMING Game and Fish Department. Hmmm...Guess I was wrong.

Apparently WYSFW is "in the know" about the new, independent agency that manages Wyomings wildlife resources.

When were you going to let us know about this new development Bob?
Some of those non-resident prices are getting pretty steep. $2600 for a mt goat and $3000 for a bison. Maybe the odds for the special licenses will improve to the point that it may be worth the extra cash. So far, special hasn't been that special for many of the hunts.

I answered your question in the Wyoming Forum.

It has always been and will remain a State Agency; however, it will loose its autonomy and become like almost everey other state agency.

Currently, only the Department of Transportation and the G&F enjoy their own independence.
You dont need to tell me its a State Agency...I'm not the one claiming it isnt.


Oh, and last I checked Wyoming State Agencies have never been Independent of the State of Wyoming.

Just sayin'...
>AT 08:48?AM (MST)

>A 1/8th of cent sales tax
>across the board earmarked for
>wildlife would solve the budget
>Taking some money from the mineral
>trust is also another way.
>Someone else on the other thread
>on this subject looked at
>the amount of natural gas
>produced in WY and a
>tax on that would raise
>a ton of revenue.

>WYSFW and their leadership intend to
>gut the WYG&F looking for
>programs/employees to cut attempting to
>cost save their way out
>of a 6-10 million shortfall.
>Did you find your State Legislator
>to be helpful and willing
>to carry anything to the
>Legislative Session to address the
>problem? In my experience all
>you need is to find
>1-2 that know the score
>on issues like this and
>they'll run with it.
>We need to find a few
>to carry and/or draft legislation
>to get a long-term funding
>solution going NOW. WYSFW wants
>to wait until sometime after
>hell freezes over.
>I also agree that poor decisions
>on license numbers, types, etc.
>are made when there is
>a black cloud of funding
>hanging over the decisions.

I agree!

"Relax and squeeze the trigger, They can't
get away;)", quoted from the best hunter I

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