Wyoming Mountain Goat!!!



Looked at the draw results today and I drew a Resident Unit 3 Goat tag.
After hyperventilating and jumping around the house for a couple hours, I have left messages for the appropriate biologist and warden. Spent a couple hours on google earth and have also ordered a bunch of topo maps. But before I got too far along, I wanted to post here and see if I could get some advice from the members. Anyone been in this unit?
Also Ive been searching the web for harvest stats that will allow me to mark previous kill sites on a map but can't seem to find anything. I know HUNTDATA sells such a map for Colorado but I came up empty there too. I must be searching for it wrong. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
LAST EDITED ON May-08-15 AT 00:34AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-08-15 AT 00:29?AM (MST)

congrats on the tag!!!The first year they opened area 3 in 2011 I had this resident tag. if ya got any questions shoot me a PM. I spent all summer scouting and opening day of rifle I got a billy that scored 48 inches with over 9 1/2 inches long.

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