Wyoming Moose - Unit 20



Anybody out there have any thoughts on unit 20 for Moose? Thinking about cashing in the points (7) because theres no way in hell I'll ever draw unit 1 before I pay out thousands for Pref. points. It's been a few years since I hunted that unit (deer and elk). Use to see some really nice bulls(moose), wondering if the quality is still good or if it's gone down hill like most of the other Western Wyoming units. Spent quite a bit of time on the Hoback and Greys and they seem to be down too for quality.
Some info for you on unit 25. I hunted it this fall. My second moose tag in Wy in 11 yrs. We hunted for several days and saw moose everyday, some days only 3-4 and one days as many 15. We even slipped into unit 24 some and saw plenty of bulls. No real monsters but lots of decent bulls. I waited until all my help had left before finally deciding one was big enough. Shot him in a creek and had the pleasure of dressing a moose alone. Great memories anyway. I drew unit 25 with 6 points. Met some nice folks and heard of a couple huge bulls roaming around pushing 50 inches but I wasnt able to locate them.
20 has some really good bulls in it, but like most of the units in Wy, it gets hunted hard. They, like Idaho, seem to be happy with a 36-38 inch average and selling lots of tags. Hold out or get lucky and a nice 44-46" bull can be yours. Get away from the roads a mile, and that helps a lot.
Its been a few years since I was there, but did see several bulls, including a couple that were 45"+, while on another hunt in the Unit 20 area.

I, too, am trying to decide on a WY Moose strategy. I have 8 points, which would be a slam dunk draw for most units (I think). After choosing to NOT apply or to buy a preference point last year, I must apply or purchase a point this year or lose them all. I am leaning toward just buying a pref point. That could all change tomorrow, though.

Factors in my decision are: 1) oldest son whom I would like as my companion on that hunt will graduate from H.S. in '08 - his missing school, whether H.S. or college could be an issue, 2) which unit to hunt for the BEST possible trophy - I've hunted deer all over in Region G, so I have some knowledge of that country and the quality of animals I can expect to see - Units 20, 23, 24, 25 and 26 appeal to me but I am going to be open and consider ALL options, 3) what impact wolves have had on the herds in these areas - they've definitely had an impact on the deer herds over the past few years - witnessed firsthand, 4) recently learned I have a chronic degenrative back issue - "back of a 75 yr old" according to the back doc, opinion concurred with by 2 other radiologists/back docs, 5) work schedule/vacation/other hunts - recently started a new job after being let go from the company where I'd been employed for 20 years - when I draw I don't want to feel pressured to take the first bull I see due to lack of vacation time. How long is the WY Moose hunt anyway???

I need to do some homework on which units I'd want to hunt, network with some locals who know some good areas/animals, etc.

Decisions, decisions.

My 2006 Utah Moose (and me)


40" wide and rough scored 120"


My hunting companion for the past 35+ years (in the orange cap)
I think you guys will find out that there is quite a bit of time, boot leather, and luck involved with a successful moose hunt. The time of year you are hunting as well as the weather play a key roll on moose activity, visibility, and movement. If it is warm with no rut it will likely take a lot more time to located bulls than if it is cool and the rut is moving bulls....believe me, moose can hole up in deep, dark places if it is warm!!!

If my memory is correct I took 3 trips to Wyo, put 2,300 miles on my truck, scouted 13 days, hunted 9 days, and took 1 day to pack out my bull. I could have shot a really nice bull on opening morning of day 1 right next to a road but I was being selective.

As far as Wyo moose units go there are a lot of options. Some units tend to have higher moose populations than others..which doesn't mean there are bigger bulls in those units! Some units have wilderness issues, grizz to contend with, short archery vs rifle seasons, shorter vs long seasons, lots of road access vs tough access, etc. It takes a while to figure this all out.

With all that said, my Wyo moose hunt was one of the most memorable hunts I've been on. It was pretty exciting to get a pretty nice bull after putting in all the work! Good luck to all that apply and draw a tag!

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