Wyoming Moose, Sheep, Goat draws are out

HOLY SCHITT!!! I finally saw the magical words! SUCCESSFUL!!! This is the ram I need to complete my Grand Slam. Hopefully everything works out, and I find a ram. I drew area 8, 23. Booked with Muleshoe Outfitters (Justin Wright). Looks like I'd better get in shape!
dwalton unbelievable. In this day and age Grand Slams are tough to come by without a lot of cash. I could not be happier for you! Squirrel good luck. Both of you keep us updated it is almost as much fun as having a tag ourselves. I thought I was going to draw a moose permit but they cut the tag numbers. My odds were 33% instead of 67%.
Well, I've been waiting for fifteen years and finally drew my BigHorn sheep permit here in Wyoming. The first time I applied for Mountain Goat I got lucky and drew area 2. The year before I applied for Moose and once again I drew. However, the BigHorn has been the tough one to draw and today my lucky stars were lined up. I wish everyone a happy hunting year and good luck.

If you plan on a D.I.Y. hunt in area 5 let me know and I'll help you out the best I can. Or if you go with a Outfitter good luck there are some good ones that hunt that area. Area 5 has some large Rams.

Hey, Scratch, I told you back in March that you would be chasing sheep this fall. Best of luck to you..find that buster ram!

Cozmo, I wish I could say I had a pile of $$$$. I have been really lucky in my pursuits. Drew a resident Desert here in Nevada in 2003, killed a Dall in 2005 on a cancellation hunt (saved quite a bit of $$$$), and took my Stone back in 1998 (sent the deposit in 1996). Sure would have never imagined that the price on Stone's would triple in less than a decade. Heck, a Dall hunt in the Yukon or NWT is more than what I paid for my Stone. I agree with you, though, that the Grand Slam is one of the most difficult things for a working guy to accomplish. I hope you find some luck in the Desert draws!

Guys, thanks for the kind words. I'm still running on adrenaline. It's a good thing all the window blinds were closed when I found out the news. The neighbors would have thought I went nuts, with me screaming and jumping around in my underwear (just woke up from a graveyard shift when I found out). I'll keep everyone posted. Good luck to everyone else!

Yes you did... Good Luck on you're sheep hunt. Few years back I talked to a Game biologist out of Jackson Hole and he mention that area 23 was a sleeper area with some nice Rams growing in that country. I hope you find that 180+ Ram.

I'll be hunting Area 2 hope to find a Large Ram...if it takes me two months.

Congrats Dwalton, that is awesome news! I hope i'm in the same situation myself someday. Untill then, my points keep accumulating. All mine said unsuccessful today.

Anyone draw 23 or 26 or 15 for moose I have no problem helping out with some 'intel' on the units.

A Slam Ram out of Wyoming!!! congrats dwalton!

UnSucc here. Congrats to those that drew. This will be a fall to remember!
Good on all you guys that drew! My Wyoming sheep hunt was the best hunt ever! I can only dream about a Slam though because my wallet is so thin it hurts to sit down. Way to go guys!
LAST EDITED ON May-03-07 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]No Sheep tag for me this year. On to 2008 w/ 12 pts.

Some analysis of the NR Sheep draw results: Going into the 2007 draw there were 139 potential Max. Pt. (12 pts.) applicants. Of these, 66 applied for the draw, and 32 drew tags. This means that 73 Max. Pt. holders did not apply. We will have to wait until the results of the "Pref. Pt. Only" application later this year to learn how many Max. Pt. holders may have dropped out of the draw.

NR Sheep applicants in 2007 totaled 2,522, up 513 from a total of 2,009 applicants in 2006, so the odds of being drawn in the Random Draw went down by about 25%. It is my guess that more applicants decided to enter the draw, rather than apply for PP only, in hopes of drawing a tag to minimize the number of years being wacked for $100 for a PP.

There were 10,248 potential NR Sheep applicants rolling over from 2006. Again, we will not know until the PP Only results are released later this year how many of these decided to remain in the draw, but it is my guess that at least 5,000 will be shown to have departed over the past two years since the increase in the PP fee.

One of my friends with Max. Pts. was not drawn again this year. I have been kidding him that he might be the last of the original 1,412 Max. Pts. holders from 1995 to draw a tag. With the 32 removed from the pool this year, as a result of drawing tags, only a maximum of 107 Max. Pt. holders remain. And the total will probably prove to be somewhat less, once the Pref. Pt. Only information is released later this year.

Good luck.

Congrats on the tags.

It looks like I'll be chasing moose around in 21 this year..... I'm pretty excited about it, but not sure what in the world I'm going to do with a moose if I get one...:)
CONGRATS DWALTON AND SCRATCH on your sheep tags!!!! Congrats Prism on that moose tag. Fall will be here before we know it!
Good luck, Walton. I think you'll be attempting a Slam for a lot of us due to the escalation of prices. Sitting at a 1/4 and think I'd rather spend that kind of hunting money another way.
You guys have any outfitter recommendations for unit 5, my buddy drew with 2 points, lucky SOB, on my recommendation. I have over 25 points in various states and have never drawn. Any other help would be appreciated.
Try B.Joe Coy out of Cody. I hunted with him last year in unit 3. He does an awesome job with great horses and camps. he's been there forever. Knows the area well. Give him a call.

I know a vet from New Mexico that drew area 5 last year and I recommended Fritz Myers from Dubois WY. He said he had a great hunt with Fritz.
Also I would look into Mark Condit(sp) use to be Grand Slam Outfitters. Probalby one of the best sheep hunters around the state. If you need me to look up his number please feel free and I'll be more than glad to help.

Mark no longer hunts sheep. Cort Feeley took over Marks camp and in 1st class.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
sheepeater-----try Kevin @ diamondj outfitters. He posted his website-----a few post ago on this thread. I drew a moose tag & plan on using him. Seems like the real thing to me. CB
HT thanks for the info and please post more when WY posts the points breakdown. NR apps also probably went up do too cc apps.

Congrats to those who drew, enjoy the tag!
Thanks for the help you guys. Looks like he is going with Cort Freely, sounds like he is the top dog when it comes to sheep in that area. Once again thanks.

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