Wyoming Moose M16/1



I drew. What do you think? Hard to find much about it on the state website.

Waited many years on this and guess what I booked a hunt to BC for Moose because I figured I would never draw.

What about the area?

RE: Wyoming Moose Unit 16

Anybody have any contact of folks that have hunted this DYI?

I have talked to one outfitter.

Any help appreciated,

RE: Wyoming Moose Unit 16

Great job on the tag! Historically that corner of Wyo used to produce many B&C bulls but unfortunately the wolves and grizz have put a kink in the population. When I first started applying for moose I was considering those units but when I found out what was going on I switched. There are still some whopper bulls shot in that corner of Wyo each year but you will have to work harder to find them.

As you are probably aware there is wilderness in 16 and if you are a nonres you aren't allowed to hunt wilderness without a guide. It is pretty crazy because you can fish, camp, and even small game hunt inside the wilderness without a guide...but..no big game hunting without a guide!

16 has a very lengthy season that I believe goes all the way into Nov. You have to watch the weather in that corner of the state because you can get snowed in....and it can get deep! The rut usually cranks in around Sept 20 and goes into Oct. That would likely be the best time to hunt. Calling moose is a blast and it really isn't that difficult!

As far as guides go you may want to visit with Bob Barlow. He is very expensive but is one of the best moose guides in Wyo. You may want to take a look at his website and you will see what I mean.

I hope this helps. If you need any advice let me know. [email protected] I don't know specifics about 16 but know quite a bit about moose, moose behavior, and calling them in.
RE: Wyoming Moose Unit 16

A good friend of mine drew that tag last year and killed an excellent bull. There is one giant that nobody ended up killing but quite a few people saw, right off the Snake River Canyon road. I would hunt the southeast corner of the unit and plan on putting some time in. Good Luck, there are still a few big ones left.

RE: Wyoming Moose Unit 16

Snake River Canyon would be unit 20 for moose on the north side..

Right along the unit 37 and unit 16 boundaries is the Grand Targey ski resort... there is some real good access off that road going up to the ski resort.

I hunted region H late on that side, out of Driggs and saw some nice bull moose every day going up towards the ski resort to bail off into some of those canyons and hunt back out.

Never cut a grizz or wolf tracks.
RE: Wyoming Moose Unit 16

Thanks for the information.

Hope to make 2 trips out there. Early and late.

RE: Wyoming Moose Unit 16

PleaseDear where you out there last year?

What were the dates you hunted?


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