Wyoming Moose help


Long Time Member
I am planning to hunt moose in Wyoming in 2007. I was woundering if anyone could help me out in picking the best unit for a November hunt. Due to work I can not take off in September or October. The units that I have narrowed it down to are Units 2, 6, 16, 27, 30,35, or 37. This will be a DIY hunt. I plan on taking the family to Yellowstone this summer. So I would like to spend a few days scouting the area to get to know the lay of the land. I will be going into the 2007 draw with 8 points. Thanks in advance for any help.

LIK2HNT, I wouldn't count on a tag until after the draw! The draw odds this coming year may be horrible due to the new increase in price for pref pts. Guys with max pts will likely be applying for tags rather than just sending in $7 and getting a pt. Some of the units you list you ought to be able to draw with your pts.

Some of the units you mention have wilderness so you may want to consider that when making your choice. You may be aware that guides are required for nonres big game hunters in wilderness? Some of the units you mention may have 2' of snow that will limit access in Nov so that is another thing to consider. Do you have a snow mobile? I've heard access in 16 and 37 can be "iffy" in Nov and you may get snowed in and end up spending the winter up there!

Another thing to remember is that quite a few units near Yellowstone have been hammered by grizz and wolves. Moose numbers may be low.

In units 16 & 37, I believe these two units are Wilderness and you could not DIY there without an Outfitter I THINK. Don't know anything about hese other units so can't help there.

Bill, Of the units you listed only 27 and 35 do not contain some wilderness area. Obviously if you select one of the others you have to make sure moose are found in areas of the unit not in wilderness for a DIY.
Thanks for the replies guys.
Units 16 and 35 are on the top of my list. I talked to the biologist of both areas last week. I understand that unit 16 might get snowed out expecially since you have to access it from Idaho. But atleast the moose will be down out of the hills (wilderness) and at the valley floor. Unit 2 is the only unit I have not researched yet. I was hoping someone here might have hunted one of the units and provide some inside information.

Thanks again

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