Wyoming limited quota area 60



My wife and I have decided to sell out in the Red Desert of Wyoming. We have several properties for sale. The one that might perk some interest on this forum has had 2 landowner Bull Elk and 2 Buck Antelope tags annually for the past 10 years. As you might know area 100 for Elk has some decent bulls on it. As well as trophy Antelope. We have 240 acres with two ponds/wells. The critters come running for water here!! Its not un-common to see 250+ goats come in to water before 10am on a hot day!!! I guarantee you wont be disappointed!! come out the beginning of September to see for yourself! You can check out some you-tube footage of some of the animals harvested on the place. Type in RED DESERT WYOMING.MP4 and check it out! IGNORE the price on the video as well as the contact phone number, as that person has nothing to do with the property for sale! Most of the elk we took scored 325-350, and all but one goat scored above 80" with the biggest being 86 3/8. Almost all taken with archery equipment. Asking 400K, PM me if you want more info.

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