Wyoming Hunter defense fund


Long Time Member
Article in Wyoming outdoors. They state that only 11.8 percent of Wyoming residents hunt.
They talk about how nearly 2/3 of the funding of license sale come from NR.
They also talk about how the House Bill 112 will take over 250,000 acres of Access land out the program if it passes.
How it will take a 250 percent increase in resident hunting license to make up the gap in the WGFD funding that will be lost.
The economic loss will $100 million each year in tourism revenue.
By reducing NR license's by 50% as this bill wants.
To put into perspective the 2nd biggest tourism industry is skiing and it brings in about 60 million a year, NR hunters bring in over 200 million a year as the #1 tourism industry.
I only posted some of the highlights, I believe if this gets passed you as resident will be hand a $hit part of the stick by the SFW and so will the NR hunter.
As House bill 112 was wrote up by Robert Wharff of SFW.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>There is no HB112. Guess you
>don't follow the other posts
>on here!

Gator is more than a day late and a dollar short on this one!!!
True, there is no HB112, since it was last year's failed bill

BUT, watch out for a bill this year which will negatively impact NR hunters. Many "in the know" are predicting it's arrival. I wonder if Bob will write this one too.
Wyoming Outdoors is a publication of WYOGA. HB112 was a political move at last years session that was never to see the light of day. Bob Wharff did not write the bill, however he may have had something to do with it. The outfitters are leading with deception on this one.

At the same time, resident hunters were already meeting with legislators about changing the resident allocation of moose, sheep, mtn goat and bison to 90/10. Frankly even at that percentage, Wyoming will lead the west in offering licenses of these species combined, to non-resident hunters.

Nothing personal guys, I have many NR hunter friends and recognize the importance of the NR contribution to the conservation of wildlife in Wyo.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-14 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]>Gator was the article written by
>an outfitter or outfitter association?
> Scare tactics I'm guessing.

The 2 page article was written by Ryan McSparran, Peak Outfitter Marketing and in it he specifically states the Bill was written by Bob Wharff, Ex. Dir of WYSFW, and sponsored by five Republican Reps. and Republican Senator Larry Hicks. If it wasn't, I guess Smokestick can read this thread and either say he did or deny it. More than likely he won't say anything!
The intent of SFW is to pull off what the article says, so just because the reintroduced bill will have a different number doesn't change the conversation.

Any NR who doesn't jump on board with the outfitters right now is an idiot. we have the outfitters and half dozen guys like Buzz who care about us. we have no input so think about it.

Stay thirsty my friends
Take SFW out of this. The attempt to change M,S,G&B to 90/10 is a resident hunter push. Whatever Wharff does is his deal. If the outfitters want a showdown they are going to get one. They can claim HB112 is coming back and cook the books about 400,000 acres of lost public land, 2 million in lost revenue. It's all BS.

Again, this isn't personal towards any NR here. I understand wanting to jump in with the outfitters on this. I GET IT!

But so will our Wyoming Legislators.
JM77 is right.

Also fair to mention that both jm77 and I have had a few "discussions" regarding the 90/10 split for smgb. This is not something I'm going to fight for NR's. It flat wouldn't do any good and only burn bridges that may be needed to fend off any reduction in NR deer, elk, pronghorn (what hb112 would have done).

Yeah, it sucks when the game changes, yeah it sucks that NR will have less tags. I didn't like it when NM slapped NR's around last year on sheep, oryx, etc. I also didn't like the reduction in NR DIY quota on elk, deer, and pronghorn.

Did I complain about it? Yep. Do I apply for NM anymore? Nope. Do I blame residents for wanting to keep more tags for Residents? Nope.

Further, jm77 and I have both agreed we will fight any similar legislation that will reduce quotas on NR deer, elk and pronghorn.

Wyoming residents want a bigger piece of the msgb quota, and want tag splits to reflect what surrounding states offer NR's.

Wyoming is very generous with NR tags, even with the reduced quota of 10%, its a guaranteed 10%. Most states offer less, or an "up to 10%".

I'm not going to fall on my sword over this issue on just moose, sheep, goat, and bison. Reductions in deer, elk, pronghorn quotas, different story there for lots of good reasons.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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