Looking for any and all help on what units to put in for with no points yet. NR,0 points,small fee place? This is my first Antelope hunt so flying blind

I hunted area 21 this year. Tresspass fee hunt in archery season. A lot of goats; three of us went and all tagged out on over 12" antelope. There is a lot of water in this unit so waterhole hunting will not work.

Hope this helps,
Focus on the eastern part of the state. Lots of tags with 100% odds and some you can buy later. Private land is key on that side of the state. Do some digging into finding a tresspass fee area or do some digging on maps for public chunks. You can have some fun over there while building points for trophy type units or public land units if that's something you are after.

Kirt C.
Hunt Odds.com
You may want to check out the areas between Buffalo and Gillette. The draw odds have been great the last few years and there is some public land in that area that holds goats.
Oh, hey...yeah...musta' been nappin'.
Lopes? Yup, we got 'em. At least the past 15 years I've been here in Campbell county they've been showin' up.
Fire away, CATRACK...fire away and fall back...
Don't expect me to lie, now. I've seen a few 15"-ers come out of these parts, but not many.
Just a little hint: When I throw the bones and they tell me 'go for a big goat', I'm not gonna be huntin' around here. For a basic tag-fillin' good time and buck availability, the general vicinity is right up there.

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