Welcome Jeff! If you draw the antelope tag for 24 and have a ranch set up, you should have a good time and just a tip on that hunt. Don't shoot the first buck you see if the ranch holds a good number of antelope. All of Region C is now for bucks only, while several of the units also have separate doe tags available, but they are only good on private lands. That should tell you the state of the overall situation up in that whole area! There is enough public land in certain areas where you're talking about, but you'll need good maps that you say you already ordered and it's really good to have a Garmin with a chip in it showing land ownership or one that you can load with that information to keep you from trespassing. Be aware you can't camp on state land and in order to hunt any public land it must be able to be accessed legally by a public road or by having permission from a landowner to access it through their private property. Getting a buck is doable, but I wouldn't disagree with the statement you made about it being a tough hunt if you can only hunt public land up there. Good luck and if you have anything else you need answered just come back on this thread and ask away!