wyoming harvest reports



has any one tried to look at the wyoming harvest reports since they changed there web site? i can not get them to come up and i see they are for sale in the online store. are they going to make us have to buy this info? it is the 2010 reports but it still helps with unit research just can't get it to load up.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-11 AT 05:10AM (MST)[p]click the "hunting" link on the banner
then click the "harvest report" link

*edit, the harvest report links are broken on the new page.
Robb: That link in your post takes you to the Drawing Odds section. 36Moose is trying to get into the Harvest Reports that show how many hunters were in a unit, hours spent hunting, and what animals were taken, etc. It appears that is still broken as I can't access it either!
Anyone been able to find the job completion reports? I used these all the time while researching different units, but have yet to find them on the new site.
MnMike---I have no idea what you're talking about. Would you please expand on that because I have never heard of "job completion" reports.
The biologists for each region put out yearly reports on all the game species, which were broke down into hunting units. These reports covered harvest info, season dates, population trends, habitat info, and specific management practices for the hunt area. On the old website, they were listed under the wildlife section, but havent found them on the new one. These were excellent research tools when looking at new hunting units. I hope they put them back on the new site.
Son of a gun! I thought I knew that F&G website like the back of my hand, but I never saw those before. I agree that they would probably be real handy doing research for any upcoming hunt you were thinking about doing. Thanks!!!

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