Wyoming governor sheep tag



Thanks to you who responded to my last post re: buying a rockie tag for 30 to 50k. The Wyoming sheep commissioner tags interests me and was wondering if anyone had more info: I understand they have about 6 commissioner tags a year that go for 32 to 38k. I recall you can only hunt during the same time and in the same areas as the hunters that get drawn. Is that true. Would you lose your bonus points and have a waiting period if you bought it and killed? Who would be a good guide and what type or score of sheep should I expect. I e-mailed Elk Mountain outfitters who seemed to be good and he said probably a high 160's to low 170's type sheep with an outside chance at something bigger. That doesn't sound to bad. I was wondering how their herd is doing and how their winters/feed have been. I did see that a 181 was killed last year and heard that Jackie Bushman or another TV guy also got a hog. I'm not expecting that but it would be nice to know if there out there. Do you think I would be better off trying to get one of the California gov. tags in Washington or Nevada or the Rockie gov. in North Dakota, Colorodo or Utah that might be a little more expensive. Or do you think there is another tag that might be better? Your thoughts are much appreciated.
You did well to contact Mike W. @ Elk Mtn. I want to hunt with him if I ever draw. Problem with Wyoming is that you are looking for a ram larger than what they normally produce. Call Kevin Hurley in Cody (307-527-7125) at WY G&F. He's the sheep guru and handles most all of the auction tags personally. The positive is that they've got LOTS of rams, unlike other states.
Understand that North Dakota has California bighorns, not Rockies. You won't find a ram there of the size you're after, I can put you onto the sheep guy with their game department if you want to talk to him yourself. In Colorado you can get a 170's and maybe into 180's if you hire the right folks and the sun, moon and stars line up. A friend from Michigan has been after a 180's+ Rocky and is willing to spend what it takes, but the Montana and New Mexico (not to mention Oregon, Alberta, etc.) tags all got out of hand this year. In Utah contact Lee Howard (Utah FNAWS) and he can advise you. The Nevada Cali bighorn tag went for $50K at Reno on April 1. But I think you're looking at 160's sheep there. I'd like to help, but it would be easier to talk on the phone. I sent you a private message previously (I had a ton of messages because I never knew how to check those), check your "inbox" on this forum when you sign in if you want my contact info.

Good luck.
You are correct, with a Wyoming commisioner's tag, you must pick one specific area and hunt during its open season with the other lucky folks that year. Governor's tags allow the holder to hunt ANY open season/hunt unit, but again, only during the open season. On the other hand, with the purchase of an archery permit, you can hunt through both the archery and rifle seasons if you so choose.

From experience with several locals that drew out in the northwest part of the state last year, the population/hunting outlook is a mixed bag. One gal from these parts took a 170" ram out of 4 last year, but I know of three other people that ate their tags. For the most part guided hunts.

Mike at Elk Mountain is quality people, he really puts his time in and his growing reputation reflects that. Whatever info he tells you can be counted on to be gospel.
I would strongly recommend going with Paul Crittenden in Bondurant, WY. He's probably got 80 or 90 sheep kills under his belt, including sheep for Jack O'Connor and his wife. Needless to say he's been around awhile. I would think 160's would be realistic with 170's being possible but not probable.
Another VERY knowledgeable guide is Mark Condict from Saratoga Wy.
Mark guided several Gov. tag holders and knows area 5 and 10 like the back of his hand.
He is great company too.
Another plug for Mike Wakkurri too.
Check with Levi Lozier he has a great area and there are some real sleepers in there.Hunted with Levi's dad Irv in there years ago saw some real monsters. They are third generation in the same area.
A 180 ram came out of Area 4 and 2 last year. Mike is a good, honest hardworking outfitter.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
yearin1, have you considered Alberta ? Your odd's for a 170 class ram there are going to be better in my opinion than Wyoming. And with the kind of money you have to set down on an auction tag you could easily extend a 14 day hunt to a longer hunt giving you the opportuniy to pick and choose what class of ram you want. Good luck in your decision.

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