LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-14 AT 09:39AM (MST)[p]NE Wyoming the whitetail are holding there own as far as number.Down from what was there a few years ago but still maintaining numbers. Mule deer is continueing on a decline.Would not recommend coming from Michigan to hunt there unless you make contact with a rancher that has good deer numbers .He would not recommend Public land trophy deer hunt for the non resident as they do not monitor there public land for guallity .
The Laramie Region J ,mule deer numbers are low,he sugjested trying the public land early archery season ,but did say do not come out with high hopes of seeing large numbers of deer as they are not there.
The Medicine Bow area ,the deer numbers are slowly recovering .He said you should see some bucks on public land that would be in the 1.5 -2.5 year old class ,small 3points and few small 4 points but given another year meaning 2015 ,with a normal winter a guy should do good in the area .Between Medcine Bow aand Casper the public land does hold a few trophy bucks but it takes a lot of foot work to find them.He said the reduced hunting season and antler point restriction appears to be working there.
Both Laramie and Medicine bow Wardens recommended coming out for elk and not deer as the elk population is over objective in there areas.Especially cow elk.
These are the basics of our conversations.Real nice fellows.