Wyoming Elk


Very Active Member

Just wondering if someone can help me I would like to post some elk pictures from this year and I am to stupid to figure it out.
thanks in advance
Click on my email addy next to my username and send them to me. I'll get them up on here as soon as I get them from you.
You can open a free account at www.photobucket.com and upload them to that site from your computor.... after they upload put the cursor arrow on the photo you want to put up and click on the IMG code ...you'll see it...and it will be -copied- now you go to Monster Muleys and open up a new post or a reply. Put the cursor arrow on the post space and right click it and hit - copy - the IMG code will show up...you can hit - PREVIEW - below and look at your pic before you send it but you need something in the subject box above to preview it other wise it won't work. When you preview and see thats the pic you want to post just hit - post message - and you have it.

Just mess with it and you'll have it in no time.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-11 AT 04:16PM (MST)[p]Here are the pictures Paul wanted to post on this thread! Nice elk and pictures Paul!!! Now let's hear the story of the hunt!



I would like to thank TOPGUN for posting the PHOTO'S the first bull was taken by my son BUDA along the snake river in unit 75 bull was shot Oct 16 second bull was taken by Riley one of Buda's best friends on Blacktail Butte in unit 75 on Dec 2, pretty hard to beat the Tetons and the wildlife in this unit. We have been hunting unit 75/79 for 35 years for bull elk and sad to say the GTNP/WGF have stopped the bull hunting in these units. Oh well still plenty of great places in Wyoming to chase big bulls!

Happy Holidays!!!
Those are two sweet bulls! Congrats to you guys.

I thought I was seeing things in the regs-no hunt in 75.

That sucks. The wolves can kiss my ~>>#}<. I was going to try and burn my hunts on 75 in 2012.
Hey Paul,
How are things going? I haven't seen you since the elk hunt with the crippled boy, hope all is well
Paul Berman
Big Canyon Outfitters

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

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Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

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