>Yellowstone Outfitters are a great group
>of guys and a top
>notch outfitter. I know Lynn
>and spent 5 years guiding
>just to the west of
>them in the Wilderness. I
>know they had a somewhat
>tougher year last season because
>the snow never came. Thats
>the thing with the Yellowstone
>meadows/thorofare region...The first couple hunts
>we are hunting "resident" elk,
>then once you bang away
>at those for a couple
>weeks, they get pretty damn
>hard to find anymore and
>move on. So you are
>reliant on the weather to
>push animals out of yellowstone.
>If the snow hits right,
>you could shoot a giant
>bull right out in the
>meadow close to his camp,
>but if it doesnt hit,
>you could spend the entire
>hunt riding 15 miles a
>day and maybe not see
>an elk. Its the unfortunate
>aspect of hoping for the
>migration. Some of the bigger
>bulls will usually be taken
>on the last hunt or
>two, but once again, you
>are entirely dependent on hoping
>the snow hits and the
>animals move, because if it
>doesnt, its a tough time.
>. The first couple hunts,
>you at least still get
>rut action, and there will
>be resident elk around, but
>those also usually sell out
>the fastest. I know the
>outfit I worked for, we
>rarely had a spot in
>the first 2 hunts for
>someone that wasnt a return
>hunter. I dont think i
>ever worked a first week
>where we didnt go 100%
>on bulls. and usually the
>second week would be the
>same. . . If you
>have the ability to go.
>GO. its an awesome place
>to see. The ride into
>Yellowstones came is right at
>10 hours, and you will
>spend plenty of time in
>the saddle daily hunting, so
>get ready for that.
So what you are saying,if you can get the first week, weather isn't really a factor,and the hunting would be good with the resident population. Can you give me the name of the outfitter you worked for . Thank you B.H.