Having spent several days over the course of the last few weeks up in the hills, I would have to say that the deer herd looks to be about the same that it has for the last several years. I have seen a bunch of younger bucks. The day before the opener, I saw a dozen forky's and few spikes. There were a good number of the 160-170" bucks as well. As has been stated before, I didn't see any monsters, but that is also no different than the last several years I have hunted in the area. Now that the snow has hammered the high country, the bucks have headed for the greener pastures of the lowlands, or more than likely, the darkest timber patch they can find. I also saw a lot of younger does and fawns over the past few weeks. I know there was a heavier than normal winter kill, but I don't think it got them all. We still have one of the healthiest deer herds around.