Wyoming Deer Winter kill



How bad was it really? A buddy of mine drew a region G and his outfitter he always uses is telling him to stay home. I don't pay much attention to the jabber but when an outfitter turns business away you have to get concerned.

My wife drew a 128 type 1 ( region E ) and now I'm wondering what that area is like now. I can't seem to ever catch the game guys in the office, anyone know what toll the winter took there? arcticles I read say all of western WY was hard hit.
In a recent article in Wyoming Wildlife, the G&F predicts that anywhere from 40 to 75% mortality on fawns in the Wyoming Range area. They suspect a good number of adults perished as well. There's a good chance that this year's season won't be nearly as bad as seasons a few years down the road due to the missing age classes.

I don't know how bad it was to the north in 128.
From everything I've heard and read, including the article in Wyoming Wildlife that I get along with the newspaper, it isn't good. If I were your buddy, I would do a DIY hunt and lessen the money loss compared to going with his outfitter if the guy is telling him that. It's either that or eat the tag because the F&G won't refund his money. As mentioned, this will really hurt the age class for good bucks in a few years and probably will take many years to get numbers back and that may not even happen. I think from everything I hear and read that the good old days for having a great chance to kill a big muley in G & H may be gone for the most part, but that's not saying there still aren't big bucks in that country.
No doubt it was bad. 07-08 was worse and that's the age class that would have been 4.5 yrs old this year. (About minimum age for trophy bucks). Ive only lived here decade but it seems we see this type of winter kill every 4-5 yrs. I guarantee if your buddy stays home he won't kill a nice bucks.
I think the next real info. will be from the people that hunt those areas this Fall and what they find or don't find and report back!
Well I can tell you one thing. There will be one less 180+ buck in G after I get done with her! :) at least he wont have to worry about surviving another long cold winter.
I have a question about a doe hunt in 157-6. culsome one pm me about what specis of doe i can shoot. either muley or whitey?? I know this isn't the best thread to ask on, but i know one of you will know the answer.


It was a big bodied 2 point.
He has other options for his time, I'm not sure what he's going to do but I'm going to take my wife regaurdless.

I had a moose tag a few years back with region G and I saw some bucks packed out at the trail heads, nothing too exiting. if it's gone downhill since then I wouldn't waste my money on an outfitter.

I was more concerned about the health of the herds than if there might be one buck left actually.
It was bad all over the state. Put it this way im not going to hunt mule deer this year, simply b/c we need all the mule deer we can get to survive hunting season. the winter ranges where littered with dead does, bucks, and fawms. its going to take a decade to recover. with the management practices of this state you might never see a full recovery, just like we didnt after the winters of the early 90's
With all due respect, it is not bad all over the state like you seem to believe. The only area that lost a lot of deer was in the southwest part of the state in G&H. Hunting bucks in that area is not really going to hurt a thing because it's the doe count that you need to look at to bring the herd back. There is not too much the F&G can do when there is a bad winterkill, IMO, other than to restrict the take to bucks only and possibly cut seasons short and I think that is what they have done in response to the winterkill down there if I'm not mistaken.
I'm willing to bet K got hit hard as well. ya they lost alot of yearlings and the weak but it is not doom and gloom. G and H will still hold more deer and be better hunting then most areas! Will it ever be what it once was? Probably not.
If it was me and I wanted to hunt the unit,I would make plans and go.It surely did not winter kill all the deer .You will learn the unit if nothing else ,that is worth alot for future hunts.
K got hit way worse that G and H did. the south eastern wyo winter ranges got plowed as well. This was the first year i found numbers of dead elk taken by winter.

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