Wyoming buffalo changes


Not sure if it's been posted, there is no longer a priority list, we apply for tags just like everything else. this should really help the odds.
What do you mean exactly? The random number assignment draw is just the same as a random draw for tags except you are given a number instead of the tag and if your number is called you get to go hunting...obviously from 1 up to whatever they deem necessary. . How exactly is it being changed and the odds will be better? I just dont understand what your saying is all.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-14 AT 09:11PM (MST)[p]Now if you want to hunt Bison you have to fork over the entire amount up front just like all the other tags and they will have a totally random draw for however many tags they decide to issue. It will give everyone the same chance at drawing a tag that applies and the number will probably be way down because of having to put the money up front. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the past you didn't pay the tag fee unless you had a low enough number and got called. The problem I see with it is that you will not know if you have a chance at the tag like you did before when they actually gave you a number. Now it's a random number and has nothing to do with the number of tags they will issue so there is no way anyone can plan ahead like those in the past that had low numbers. I would imagine the reason they did it is to get more money into the bank because of their budget problems, but I may be totally wrong on that. Here is what comes up when you go to apply for Bison now:

NEW for 2014: Bison licenses will be issued in the draw. The priority list process has been eliminated.
Thanks for clarifying. yep you didnt have to pay for the license fee unless you were drawn in the low numbers and told you got a tag...that should change things for sure
So basically they want you to pay up front just like deer, elk and etc... I assume they want money up front to make money on interest?

I really don't apply for buffalo. I don't know what I would do with the meat
>So basically they want you to
>pay up front just like
>deer, elk and etc...
> I assume they
>want money up front to
>make money on interest?
>I really don't apply for buffalo.
>I don't know what I
>would do with the meat

Well they just lost a bunch of money. I applied and hoped to draw, but there is no way I can front the full cost of a NR tag at the same time I am applying for all my other tags. So instead of getting a few bucks from my family they will get none. Sad to see it change. Surely the money they made from the number assignment was way more than they can get from interst. In all honesty the idea they make money from interest is stupid. there is no place you can put money for only a couple months and really get anything back.
I don't think the odds will change much.

So many folks us some type of Application service on their Out-a-State applications now--- that adding 1 more species won't be that big a deal for those types.

Even with a low number in the past, you still did not have to buy the tag! Had a buddy draw #2 a couple years back and just never went.

I personally think that if 800 NR put up $20 in the past, the number of applicants will be down 50%+ at $2500+.
Last year I was 1047 out of 1050 if I remember. So any changes can't really make it worse for me.
>Even with a low number in
>the past, you still did
>not have to buy the
>tag! Had a buddy draw
>#2 a couple years back
>and just never went.
>I personally think that if 800
>NR put up $20 in
>the past, the number of
>applicants will be down 50%+
>at $2500+.

***I'd bet by going from a $20 CC hit to over $2500 that it will be a lot more than a 50% drop. However, there are always enough high rollers around that they will probably sell all the tags they decide to put out each year. I haven't even looked to see if they've stated whether the draws will be separate for residents and NRs or combined because I have no interest in those big, shaggy beasts for some reason.
I did not want to stretch it too far Topgun, but I would agree...........But when NM went to all upfront money it dropped it by 75% with the $320, until they came up with a bunch more tags. I guided my brother a year ago on his bison tag, more fun and challenging than I would have guessed.
>I did not want to stretch
>it too far Topgun, but
>I would agree...........But when NM
>went to all upfront money
>it dropped it by 75%
>with the $320, until they
>came up with a bunch
>more tags. I guided my
>brother a year ago on
>his bison tag, more fun
>and challenging than I would
>have guessed.

***I would imagine just the weather alone at the time of year they have that hunt would be enough to make it quite a challenge without throwing in all the other variables. Did your brother get a good one?
He got one the size he was looking for 1100-1200 bull, I think the biologist report said 3 or 3.5 years old. It is just about as cold there in January as it is here in northern Iowa.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-14 AT 10:41AM (MST)[p]With the new bison system do you have to buy the tag if you get drawn or can you still turn it down?
I applied, but I expect quite a few to drop off. Saw quite a few guys who had been applying for multiple family members post that they would pass.

Id guess it will halve the applicants.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-14 AT 01:00PM (MST)[p]>With the new bison system do
>you have to buy the
>tag if you get drawn
>or can you still turn
>it down?

***It's now just like the other draws in that you pay for the tag upfront with your credit card. If you get drawn, you either go hunting or eat the tag because the only way a refund is issued is if you die or are so incapicitated that you can get a Doctor to sign off on paperwork saying you can't hunt. Then it's up to the G&F to decide whether they will honor that paperwork and send out a refund check.
Topgun, you will have the same amount of time to plan your hunt. The dates have not changed.
I read in Eastman's that the bull hunts are now once-in-a-lifetime, and all past tag holders are no longer eligible. However, I didn't see anything about bonus points. Anyone know if they will awarding them for bison now?

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
The bull hunts have been OIL as long as I've lived in Wyoming, thats nothing new.

Good question regarding BP's, but I dont think there will be, mountain goats have no BP's and are also OIL.
Buffalo hunts were not always once in a lifetime hunts but are now. My wife has killed 2 bulls, one in 1999 and the second in 2012. In '99 there were only 4 tags and she drew #3. She's got all the luck.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-14 AT 06:14PM (MST)[p]>I didn't see anything
>about bonus points. Anyone
>know if they will awarding
>them for bison now?

Not this year, but I'll bet they will eventually. If for no other reason than maybe to offset the cost of accepting credit cards for that large license fee. Looking at just the NR portion, let's say it costs them 3% in merchant fees for each app, which is a typical merchant fee to accept credit cards. So then at 2522.00 each that's a cost of about 75.00 per app. The applicant's fee that we pay is only 14.00, leaving them a net loss of 60.00 per app. If they get 500 NR apps for bison, that comes to about 30,000.00 in merchant fee cost to WYGF. In turn, if they only sell 15 NR bull tags, at 2500.00 each, it's barely a break-even proposition. So yes, I'd bet that a mandatory PP fee will be adopted soon, just as they've done for most of the other high-dollar species.

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