Wyoming BLM access road agreements through private land


Long time lurker here. An access issue has come up, thought you folks could help.

There is a large area of BLM that we've hunted for years. To access, you must cross about 1/4 mi. of private. There is a maintained Fremont County road that ends at a fenced cattle crossing, then as you drive on, the road goes across 1/4 mi. of private land, before continuing through the BLM. This has been going on for 40 years

Everybody, even the former landowner, recognized the road going through private as access easement to the BLM. Recently, ownership of the deeded ground has changed. The new owner has posted the road and she's turning people back who try to use it. She's actually been nice about it and wants clarification of the supposed access easement through her property. New owner is from out of state and public lands are a very foreign concept, so I see where she's coming at She owns 40 acres, non irrigated and she doesn't hold the grazing lease to the adjoining BLM

I had a good conversation with her and volunteered to research this road regarding any documented agreement or easement. Went to the Fremont Co. courthouse and the clerk couldn't find any recorded docs.

Went to the local BLM office late last friday, assuming they've got all of the updated maps and access agreements on file. NOPE. They said that the BLM as a whole is working on a GIS system to include overlays of access roads, easements etc., but not even close to completion and most district offices have very little of that information. Sounds like either the Wyoming state HQ or the national HQ must be the clearing house for these types of Docs

The gentleman who assisted me at the local BLM also mentioned that many of the access agreements don't get recorded with the local county government, but are filed with the BLM state headquarters, which I'm guessing is in Cheyenne? He said that the BLM has their own recording system for easements, pipelines, grazing lease holders, oil & gas stuff. Feds vs State vs Local, i guess?

Found the national BLM website and it looks like they haven't even begun to submit overlays and other GIS stuff for Wyoming. So, not helpful

Anyway, weekend hit and too late to make phone calls to the State office. Tomorrow when I call, what questions do I need to ask, what documents do I need to inquire? My local BLM guy, though helpful, didn't have much information to share and said that sadly, it can be a guessing game for both the public and BLM employees.
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I sent an email and KML road overlays to the local BLM asking for easement start and end points a few years ago; got all that info back in a cpl weeks. I was in the Rawlins district.
You should check with the county, they are usually in charge of easements rights of way, etc. the BLM doesn't manage easements and rights of way that is the county's responsibility.
You should check with the county, they are usually in charge of easements rights of way, etc. the BLM doesn't manage easements and rights of way that is the county's responsibility.
This is not correct if it is an easement to access BLM ground.
This is not correct if it is an easement to access BLM ground.
This is what I'm learning - for these types of blm access easements, very few if any get recorded the standard way via county court houses.

jm77, When I call the state blm office, what should I ask for? Do these blm access roads across private land easements have some code name? It never, ever should be this hard.

Also, are the BLM people still under that covid "stay at home and work if you wanna" orders? Will there be anybody in Cheyenne (or Casper) to even answer the phone? To dig through the files?
I can't offer any advice but am following the conversation. Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, the 1/4 mile of road is not a county road and is not maintained by the state or county. Correct?
Long time lurker here. An access issue has come up, thought you folks could help.

There is a large area of BLM that we've hunted for years. To access, you must cross about 1/4 mi. of private. There is a maintained Fremont County road that ends at a fenced cattle crossing, then as you drive on, the road goes across 1/4 mi. of private land, before continuing through the BLM. This has been going on for 40 years

Everybody, even the former landowner, recognized the road going through private as access easement to the BLM. Recently, ownership of the deeded ground has changed. The new owner has posted the road and she's turning people back who try to use it. She's actually been nice about it and wants clarification of the supposed access easement through her property. New owner is from out of state and public lands are a very foreign concept, so I see where she's coming at She owns 40 acres, non irrigated and she doesn't hold the grazing lease to the adjoining BLM

I had a good conversation with her and volunteered to research this road regarding any documented agreement or easement. Went to the Fremont Co. courthouse and the clerk couldn't find any recorded docs.

Went to the local BLM office late last friday, assuming they've got all of the updated maps and access agreements on file. NOPE. They said that the BLM as a whole is working on a GIS system to include overlays of access roads, easements etc., but not even close to completion and most district offices have very little of that information. Sounds like either the Wyoming state HQ or the national HQ must be the clearing house for these types of Docs

The gentleman who assisted me at the local BLM also mentioned that many of the access agreements don't get recorded with the local county government, but are filed with the BLM state headquarters, which I'm guessing is in Cheyenne? He said that the BLM has their own recording system for easements, pipelines, grazing lease holders, oil & gas stuff. Feds vs State vs Local, i guess?

Found the national BLM website and it looks like they haven't even begun to submit overlays and other GIS stuff for Wyoming. So, not helpful

Anyway, weekend hit and too late to make phone calls to the State office. Tomorrow when I call, what questions do I need to ask, what documents do I need to inquire? My local BLM guy, though helpful, didn't have much information to share and said that sadly, it can be a guessing game for both the public and BLM employees.
I am surprised the local Lander BLM office can’t help you. What you will need is just the legal description likely Township, Range and section number of the land parcel. Using that data I have called the BLM office several times over the years asking if any easements exist across private lands. The regional office, in this case Fremont County is likely Lander and they have that data in their agency computers. What you might find may not be good news as some of these old easements were just verbal agreements and actions of landowners from long ago when it was a larger working cattle ranch. Sadly, it might just end up as another landlocked parcel of public lands if there is no legal access. Keep us posted……..
This is what I'm learning - for these types of blm access easements, very few if any get recorded the standard way via county court houses.

jm77, When I call the state blm office, what should I ask for? Do these blm access roads across private land easements have some code name? It never, ever should be this hard.

Also, are the BLM people still under that covid "stay at home and work if you wanna" orders? Will there be anybody in Cheyenne (or Casper) to even answer the phone? To dig through the files?
Ask for whoever is in charge of access and/or roads and trails. If they don't satisfy, keep politely going "up the ladder"
I can't offer any advice but am following the conversation. Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, the 1/4 mile of road is not a county road and is not maintained by the state or county. Correct?
this is correct. County maintenance ends at a cattle guard, but the road continues 1/4 mi. over private ground, then keeps going through the BLM. The part that crosses private and then advances through BLM looks to get bladed at times, but neither the county nor the land owner are doing this? My guess it that it gets hit once a yr by a BLM or BLM contracted blade operator (but do not know this for a fact)
I am in Lander. I am willing to help in this fight however possible. If you have a good relationship with the landowner maybe we can convince her to allow access through a new agreement if you can not find an old one. The new agreement could be through an Access YES easement as well. Send me PM as I know a lot of people in the Area would be interest to keeping the access...
I am in Lander. I am willing to help in this fight however possible. If you have a good relationship with the landowner maybe we can convince her to allow access through a new agreement if you can not find an old one. The new agreement could be through an Access YES easement as well. Send me PM as I know a lot of people in the Area would be interest to keeping the access...
when I get a little bit more info, will PM you, elks96
You may find that this is a landowner/BLM easement only, and not open to the public at all. We have many cases of this here in Idaho. The agreement allows the BLM employees to access the property for maintenance/monitoring/measurement only, usually for grazing allotment quotas They do not apply to general public access

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