Wyoming Bison Priority Draw



Wasn't this the week they are supposed to draw names for the priority list for Buff in Wyoming? Oh well I guess it doen't matter I don't expect anything less than 50, besides don't know what I'd do if I got less than 10 - rob a bank or grow pot for the tag fee.
The good news for me is that I can't do any worse than last year. I was 746 out of 746 if I remember the numbers right, why couldn't they start it backwards.
LAST EDITED ON May-12-10 AT 08:59PM (MST)[p]Good Luck Boys!!!!!!!!!

Just got this in the mail from last year.
>The good news for me is
>that I can't do any
>worse than last year. I
>was 746 out of 746
>if I remember the numbers
>right, why couldn't they start
>it backwards.

Yikes! Well I guess that beats drawing like 51 and having to wait another 4 months for no call. You could make other plans. :)
This is the first year I'm applying for this hunt. Seems like good a better investment than most draws.
Results are up Yup donated again times 3 for wife kid and myself Dang the luck
Way too far down on the list to worry about it (807). My son's luck was even worse.

Hope we can manage to draw buck antelope.
I got up there this year 2000 something, my brotherinlaw got under 200 resident it's got to be worse being so close
Hey Robb,
I'm assuming that you drew #7 as a non-resident, because I just drew #7 as a Resident! YES!!!!!
Robb & Teepee,

Congrats on the lucky 7's! Hope you both find a pair of B&C bulls. Please remember to share with all of us this pics and stories of your hunts.

I need to rethink my fall hunts now. I've already committed time for an elk hunt with my nephew, who has already drawn an elk tag. I promised him an elk hunt after his 2 tours in Iraq. Plus, he spent a week with me one summer in Wyo when he was 12 years old fishing & looking for the elusive jackalope. He did manage to shoot 3 does, but we could never find a buck!!! Hopefully his elk hunt will be successful for a bull.

I need to find out if the G&F still calls you with a time to hunt bison or if you get the whole season to hunt. The regs are a little fuzzy. I'll call G&F this week. Anyone know for sure?
My Mrs has a #75 elk tag so we can maybe do a 'double' on her hunt dates!

I guess I kinda put a clog for her 'Womans Hunt' in #75......ya know-----stay in the cabin in Jackson Hole, hunt her elk in the morning, go shopping in the afternoons and check out different restraunts in the evenings-------now I am screwing up her afternoon shopping with chasing a Buff! ha

Congrats on the buff tag Robb. I had the tag last year. I'm sure your all squared away but I might be able to help you out a little bit if you like. Just send me a PM
Robb, (all)

I called the G&F in Jackson this morning. Sounds like they have quit calling hunters as per their regs and simply mail out a packet in July or August. The G&F gal said that they issued around 250 or so tags last year (bull & cow). Also, the bull tag this year is actually an "any bison" tag. She said that there were quite a few hunters last year that didn't fill their cow tag because the bison held up in Grand Teton N.P and didn't cross over to where they could be hunted. I assume that you have a bull tag.

The Nat. Forest is open all season (Sept-Jan 3), but you'll be put on a priority list for the Elk Refuge. The low draw numbers (us) would likely have the first opportunity for the refuge in late September, but you can ask for an alternate date. They are thinking about opening and closing the elk refuge on a week by week basis to let the bison wander in, so you might want to factor that in to your trip plans.

I'm inclined to wait for November myself. It can be pretty warm in Sept at times & I wonder about getting it out of the field quick enough. I do have horses though, so the warmer weather really shouldn't be that much of a problem. Be nice to wait until they're haired up too.

If I learn anything new, I'll post.
As I said I had a bull tag last year and didn't kill one. I had the same thought process as you and didn't want to hunt them in September when the weather was warm. I waited till the end of october and hunted for 11 days. I had several close calls but never could find a bull in a legal spot. I did sit with a bull for 6 hours as he fed and laid down 80 yards into the park boudary. The refuge was an absolute bust as T-lazy-T outfitters would ride their horses into where the buffalo cross the river onto the refuge as soon as they crossed the river they would shoot them up and they would high tail it right accross the river back into the park. Sounds like they have that situation taken care of by closeing the refuge down for a bit to allow the buffalo to trickle in. The best piece of advice I can give you is to find one on the national forest in september and kill it ASAP.
Thanks for the follow-up Don.......(Jackson Office or Cheyenne?)

Good intel Chance ~~~~ from experience!

I am pretty much staying on the NF ground as I am using my bow.

I will prolly camp at Lower Slide Lake and hunt out of there daily on my September trip up there.

I think the Mrs #75 tag is like Oct 21st opener? or something like that??? as the dates are tenative in the proc---she gets home from her trip today so maybe I will have her pull out her tag and see the actual dates are on it....so that will be trip #2 for me.....

I guess I should get my Cashiers Check to pay for the tag mailed off to them.

Thanks again----

LAST EDITED ON May-18-10 AT 09:15AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-18-10 AT 09:10?AM (MST)

Congrats fella's!

A couple years ago they only gave out like 30 total bull tags, now its around 150, not to mention all the cow tags. This addition pressure has had a big affect on the bison and there movements. If you have the time, you have a good chance to kill one.

Robb, give me a call. Teepee send me a pm and i will try to help ya out.

I talked to the Jackson office (Lori). She seems quite helpful. I'd hold off mailing a check until you get the packet in the mail. She said that you have to purchase the tag from either the main office in Cheyenne or the Jackson office. They prefer that you get the tag in Jackson because they want to give you a DNA kit (for the bison) :O)

I'll gather more info this summer. I may come over there in September for bison & stay over & hunt mulies. I could always go back later if needed. Nice to live in Wyo & have options!

Shane: thanks for the offer. I may take you up on that.
LAST EDITED ON May-19-10 AT 03:13AM (MST)[p]'She is ALIVE' !!

Thanks Don!

I had a good chit-chat with the Jackson office yesterday.

Shane is like a Wikepedia source of Bison Intel!!

Congrats on the draw!!

I was fortunate enough to draw last year and had a great hunt. It was one of the physically easiest, most stressfull hunts Ive ever had. Taking an animal isnt everything, but for some reason the "once in a lifetime" tag thing got to me, combine that with the fact I had only three days to hunt I opted out and went with one of the outfitters.

we ran into allot of guys that did it DIY and most had success but then on the flip side some had been some there for a long couple weeks trying to close the deal with no luck. The Elk refuge and park lines along with the forrest property lines are kinda overwellming, becasue the bison are typically close to either one, most of the time closer to the park.

You have to purchase the tag in person from one of the two mentioned F&G offices. When you purcahes the tag they give you a blood/DNA kit, map and the rules.

If I can help in anyway let me know, good luck and have fun. Bring lots of help and have tag n' drag's phone number locked into your phone on speed dial.

That is some good info. I just got my letter Saturday, #5 Non-Res! I was also curios about being assigned times to hunt vs. having the whole season. So if I understand it, we have the whole season on the national forest and will be assigned dates on the elk refuge? With only a couple free ranging buffalo herds in the states, and Arizona tags running 5k, I feel like I have hit the lottery!
Congratulations to everyone that drew. I get to keep my money this year and put it to other things as there is no way I am getting a tag with #523 out of 710.


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