Wyoming Area 7 antelope information


My wife and I have hunted area 7 several times for antelope. we have not applied for the last few years due to less tags issued and work requirements. We are both 60 or north of 60 now and we have a burning desire to hit the open country once again. I know the herd size is increasing and a few more tags have been issued to non-residence. We live in south Mississippi and it takes us to days of hard driving to get to our hunt area. Can I get some real information on the hunting in area 7 and can someone tell me the total number of non-resident tags issued. I'm also open to another unit but we have hunted 7 so much we know where we can and can't hunt. Thanks guys. BTW, my first post in a few years. You have always been helpful.
Welcome back Arkie!
I can't help you with info but you should post this info request in the Wyoming forum if you haven't already. Lots of guys on there who can help and some actually will.

You might want to visit the Game and Fish web site for a couple of your questions since the answers for tag numbers and success/draw rates will be found there.

Best of luck,

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