jims has got a real point. The cost for forecasting one's Wyoming hunt for a Non-Res. has become quite the money game.
As a long-time Wyo Res, I honestly can not gripe about the relatively newer Non-Res requirements and costs.
I'll always help the Non-Res where I can, several of you know.
Point being, this is a numero-uno state amongst the fifty states for big game opportunities, at a consistent year-in and year-out level for the variety of species existent.
I do not agree with some of the G&F Regs the Non-Res has to accept, but as a money-grubbin' State Org. of the utmost professionalism and knowledge of the domain, I wouldn't trade Wyo's G&F for any of those other State's political departments, nor Their supposed knowledge of their wildlife, nor their numbering of beasts, nor their crunching of the scores according to the pro's.
Myself and my children will hopefully be able to hunt Wyoming until our days are done.