Wyoming antelope


Active Member
Looking ahead to next year I have max points. What would be the best trophy area to hunt. Been a few years since ive been there but used to always hunt Green River area' Looking for trophy only as I have killed quite a few. Any help would be appreciated
A lot depends on what you consider a trophy? An 80" antelope is possible in many units spread throughout Wyo. 82 is also possible but more common in Central, South Central, and West-Central Wyo. Winterkill, drought, predators, and other factors can change trophy potential throughout Wyo from year to year. It sounds like you already have experience in the Green River area so you kind of know what's available there.

To narrow down your choices there are a number of references available. You might take a look at the B&C books to see which counties tend to produce B&C bucks. Eastman's and Garth Carter's magazines are also good reference. Just remember that their selections are looked over by hundreds (if not thousands) of other hunters. Their top choices generally are good but may have stiffer draw odds.

There aren't too terribly many units in Wyo that take max pref pts to draw. This has changed the past couple years since the WG&F cut tags. From what I've seen driving through the Central part of Wyo there is good reason tag numbers have been cut. It appears that the drought and other factors have severely cut antelope numbers. If you don't believe me take a look at how many left over tags are available this year and how few tags were issued compared to past years! Obviously if tags are cut in half it may take twice as many years to draw the same tag and there will be more max applicants not drawing tags. I have a feeling it may take time for numbers to rebound..especially if there is a tough winter or 2 and/or drought!

It sounds like you have some experience but have never gotten a monster? If you want an 80+" buck you'll likely have to look over hundreds of antelope and be willing to pass up really nice bucks. It may take a lot of time to find an 82+" buck even in the best Wyo units! Antelope are one of the toughest critters in NAmer to field judge. Mass is the biggest chunk of score but prongs and length are also desirable. An 82+" buck pretty much has to have everything and will likely have "WOW" factor when you first lay eyes on him. If you are wondering if a buck is big enough I would likely keep looking!

Hopefully this helps get you started.
Thanks jims I appreciate the help. Just been awhile since I have hunted Wy. Got one that scored 83 B&C so don't mind looking over quite a few. Would never eat my tag they are to good to eat lol. Goint to try and see how this winter shapes up and will decide then. Thanks again
I think it has more to do with how the horns grow during the year then which area. Wyoming has a half dozen areas that are all about equal depending on conditions for that year. You could get a great tag in a bad horn growth year. That said there's always record book antelope taken each year in Wyoming regardless of the conditions the variable is the number. When you search the record archives for Boone and Crockett, you'd be surprised how much that can differ in each county depending on the year. Fortunately Wyoming allows you to withdraw from the application process after you've accessed winterkill/horn growth for the year. If you are just talking monsters, they can be found anywhere, as the book indicates...good luck.

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