Wyoming Antelope


Very Active Member
My dad and I are looking at hunting antelope for the first time. Not too concerned about size, jut want to be able to enjoy a fun hunt and take decent bucks. What units are good that can be drawn without having any points?
I don't have any secret units to tell you about because I don't think there are any.
It is my opinion that we, pretty much, always get what we pay for. Since you have nothing to pay with (points) you are going to have to take what you can.
That being said, there are always "decent" bucks in any Wyoming antelope area. The easier units to draw often have more private land in them, so you will have to do some homework on private and public land in each unit (unless you are willing to pay a trespass fee).
Check out the odds section of this site and then look at BLM maps to see the private and public land in units you can draw with no points. Then go for it.
Antelope hunting is always fun! Good luck in finding what you are looking for.
Similar questions to yours get asked on here pretty often so you might check the archives. That said, i'd recommend 7, 8, 23, 25, or 26. Lots of goats and some decent ones. You can draw with no points. Almost all of the decent hunting is on private so you'll most likely have to pay a tresspass fee. Antelope fees are pretty reasonable. $100 -$300 should get it done. Get the landowner list from the Wyo.GFD and start calling. you can call the area Biologist and Warden. They'll help you out too. GOOD LUCK. Chip
Thanks for the information. I did some searches, but most I could find were more focused on trophy bucks.

When I say decent, I mean the equivalent of a 2 or 3 point mule deer. Not looking to trophy hunt, just take a some what mature buck for our first hunts.

I plan on doing other research as well, but it never hurts to narrow it down first.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-10 AT 04:21PM (MST)[p]Yup, lots of decent units if all you want to do is get a antelope buck and/or doe. Many can even be gotten in the leftover tags. You might also check the Wyoming forum for more specific info on units, but some to look at in no particular order are 20,21,22,23,2511,7,32. Some of these are a lot private - but even in those if you look hard enough and havve good maps you can find plenty of antelopes to chase. Some of the above units have a 1st and 2nd season, or type 1 and type 2 I guess they are called. Check out some of these units, many do have walk in areas that later in the season can be OK, some better than others. But in almost all the units there is no shortage of antelope - just go and have fun its worth it:)

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