Wyoming Antelope



Here are some more pics of the buck I took on Monday.

He was so deceiving when we first glassed him up. Looking straight at you, the mass just doesn't pop out. I loved how he flared out and took him. I've never been so pleasantly surprised!

He's 7.5" at the bases and second measurements, 7.5" on the cutter and 14" long. I know I'll never get one quite as unique again!

The taxidermist scored him between 82-83" so I'll keep my fingers crossed! I'm grateful for this dinosaur regardless!





Congrats to you again on a fantastic Buck, I really unique rack. I will be heading that way this Sat. and if I should see one like yours in the area he is going down.

Nice buck - I just got back last night from my hunt - not fun hunting the weather was pretty ugly. I did manage to get a buck though with almost the same measurements as your buck.
Congrats on a great looking antelope!!

300 RUM. The shot was about 200 yards. It was crazy because he was so busy rutting his does that he didn't care about me setting up on him.

I shot him with a "premium" Scirroco 180 gr bullet that performed like buck shot on the exit wound! Even if I hit bone, I've never had those bullets explode like that? Almost ruined his cape.
Looks a bit malnurished...probably wouldn't have made it through the winter :>) Seriously prehistoric, the head is absolutely gigantic. Another beauty to add to your "man cave." Don't forget to follow up once you get him scored. Congratulations!

Sweet pictures man! That is a sweet buck... I like how it flares out! Congrats..looks like it was cold during your hunt. Hunted in WY last week and it was in the 70's.
Nice wide buck. He is a very pretty buck. He will make a good mount. He also has nice cutters on him. Congrats.
What a cool looking antelope!
thanks for the pictures

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-09 AT 09:34AM (MST)[p]cool looking buck

with a 6" of upper, you described an 85" buck
I think there were 1.5-2" of deductions. He's going to shrink though and I'm . Im terrified he won't qualify. I know score shouldn't matter and this buck is a trophy of a lifetime regardless but I would love to have this buck make it.
Don't worry if he qualifies for anything other than a trophy in your eyes. Not that it should matter to you but he also qualifies as a trophy in my eyes and I have shot a few antelope some nice Including a good one Saturday, but none as unique as yours. Enjoy the success of a fine animal and good hunt and congragulations.
Check out this video I think I may have something that intrests you.

I am curious what area you were in to see if its the same one.( Feel free to PM it if you want to keep a secret.

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