Wyoming antelope?



I'm sure most of you have noticed the draw odds for Wyoming antelope already. I noticed something about the odds that raises a question. Also, I noted the same question after reading my complimentary issue of the Huntin' Fool. Without giving away in an open forum the particular units I'm talking about, can anyone explain to me why the second season for some public land antelope units has zero applicants while there are more applicants than tags for the first season? The second seasons seem like guaranteed tags unless I'm missing something.
Could have been mistakes on the applications and figured there was a 2nd season, but this is just a guess not fact.

Your probably looking at license "type". Specifically type 2. Correct? If that is the case, don't confuse this with another season. Type 2 licenses are for doe/fawn, which explains the availability of tags.
Yes, I was looking at the type 2 licenses. Thanks for setting me straight on that one.
Actually your first inclination was correct. Type 2 tags are for units with split seasons. Doe/fawn tags are Type 6 or 7. I have the proclamation right here in front of me.
I think I can clear this one up. In the case of 47-2 Huntin fool says it is 100% draw. 47-2 was not offered in the first draw. It came out in the second draw, or left over draw. It was not 100%. You can find it in the demand index in the Wyoming website, it was something like 16% success rate of the second chance draw, I know because I put in for it and didn't get it and my son did. 32-2 was a 100% draw on the second chance draw. This year 47-2 is in the first draw, which to my knowledge hasn't been before. The "2" tags seem to be added when they are trying to control populations. Take a look at the numbers on the website, I think it will clear it up. Don't expect these hunts to be 100%, the only difference in the tag is that they open a week or two after the opener and some people prefer not to be in on the opening morning zoo.

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