Wyoming Antelope Units


Active Member
Hi everyone:

I'm trying to put together a WY antelope hunt for my two young sons and their grandfathers (5 of us in a group). Between all of us we have 10 preference points which, as I understand, will be averaged then rounded down - so 2 points. I can't afford to go with the 'special' licenses so I'm trying to find a unit that we can draw the 'normal' licenses that has enough animals and access that we can have an enjoyable hunt.

Unit 56 looks like it is easy enough to draw but has the dreaded * next to it in the regulations (difficult access). Can anyone tell me about public hunting in this unit? Will the landowner(s) give permission to hunt?

Can anyone recommend other units that would fit the bill for us?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Check next door at 55, and wait a bit as another MM'er hunts it too and maybe will contact you once he see's this request, he has helped others as he lives close to these areas.

With 2 points each, maybe consider doing 47(2), still has alot of private, but sounds like it has a fair share of public too. From what other MMers have told me they have decent 12 inch goats around?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-08 AT 03:49PM (MST)[p]With an average of 2 points a piece you can pretty near pick any unit. My father and I drew unit 47 type 2 last year as a second choice unit (meaning you could draw this unit with out burning your points.) Unit 47 is good but does have some private land issues as mentioned in the above post. there is still plenty of public to hunt and yes it does have some good goats. You will see hundreds of antelope a day. I would consider looking into units 96 and 92. With one point going into the draw last year and not doing the "special" unit 96 had 73.5% odds and 92 had 24.5%. WIth 2 points a piece you should be able to grab either of those units. Both are great units with great public access. I have hunted 96 and have had great success out there. Best of luck!

I hunted 47 two years ago and found lots of public land and lots of goats.Ended up with a 15 inch goat ,took 5 days of looking ,but it did pay off.
Looking at going to 92 this year,just for some different scenery.
With 2 points, regular draw, you should find plenty of areas without the "dreaded *" next to the area. Plenty enough antelope for 2 boys to have enough entertainment for a few days. Just make sure they can hit the broadside of a barn out to 300 yards.
Thanks a bunch for your comments. I have to admit that the research and application time of the year can be pretty fun. It adds to the anticipation of going HUNTING!

Best of luck to all of you and happy new year.


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