Wyoming Antelope unit 93


Ben Hunt'n

Does anyone have exprience antelope hunting in unit 93? I will be hunting their Sept 17th to Oct 5th 2005. I have hunted deer North of Kemmerer and know part of the unit. What I need is to talk to someone who knows the best way to hunt them with a bow that time of year ie waterholes etc. Thanks in advance

How do you know you'll be hunting there when the draw results aren't out until July?

Lots of antelope. If you have the time and patience you shouldn't have any trouble killing one with the bow at a water hole or spot and stalk.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-05 AT 10:40PM (MST)[p]One of the biggest Bucks(Lopes that is)that I have seen was standing in the middle of the open gates at the Cemetary there in Kemmerer back in 2003 the middle of Oct. Other bucks and does were feeding on the "greens" around the grave sites there.

One thing to remember about Unit 93 is that it is a very big area and has a large migratory herd base (WyGF claims up to 35-40K animals winter there, overall), that come from all over the surrounding country to stay away from winter in the high country. That is why they can give a total of 1300 tags for both doe and either-sex. While you might only see 50-100 in June and July for a scouting trip, there will be many 100's in August during archery season. By gun season, there are plenty to go around. I had the tag 2 years ago and shot a 15" with my muzzleloader that scored 74"+. Lots of people, lots of goats, terrible draw odds. Try to get away from the roads and search out the little hidden pockets and it will be a blast!
Thanks Brian!

Blank I am very familiar with the area around Kemmerer and all the way up to Lake Viva Naughton. I have never hunted Antelope there though. I usually hunt Mule Deer north of the lake. I am moving to Star Valley in 2006 so I will be able to get in some real good hunting and fishing. I will have about 3 weeks to hunt and fish this year. I plan on getting there about the 17th of September and come home the 5th of October. Thanks for responding to the post.

Julius- I am from Kemmerer and have hunted for 15 years over here. Very familiar with the area. This year there has been a lot of rain and snow so water should be a little more widespread. Which for bowhunting can be good and bad. You should have no problems finding a good buck. Have never bowhunted for Antelope. But I will be glad to give you any info that I can.

Good Hunting.

Wow someone from Kemmerer. thatcherwyo1, I first hunted near Kemmerer in 1977 and killed a real nice 4x4. I've hunted all over those hills. I am moving to Star Valley in about a year. I have a special place in my heart for the Kemmerer area, alot of good memories hunting with my dad and friends. I hunted deer their 2 years ago but got skunked. It sure would be nice to have a contact in Kemmerer. I've met some real nice folks over the years in town. We used to stay at the Antler motel and eat at the Frontier Inn in the old days. Thanks for taking the time to answer my post.
Hey Julius,
That is good you will be getting back to this region (star valley). The antler motel is still running but the Frontier in has retired. Kemmerer is an awesome place isn't it. Nothing like the sun coming up over the sage ridges and seeing the valleys come to life with antelope, deer, elk, and moose. If I have time I would love to help you out if you are down this way. I coach football here at kemmerer High so time is limited in the fall. But would love an excuse to escape when I can. Hope all is well in valley. I also help coach basketball. Come say hi when the rangers visit the braves during the season.

Good Hunting!!

Whoa guys, You're going on like Kemmerer is Shangri-La, I've spent alot of time in that country(my dad was born there)---spent even more here in Vegas and I've seen ALOT more racks and bigger ones here on the strip!

But I hope to be chasing goats there this fall myself, 6 years in a row now without a tag---its about time my name came out of the hat.
Wow! A Ranger football game. Haven't seen one since fall of 2000, when I was in town to help my sister with her cow moose hunt (her last, before she passed away). Grew up in K-town, lots of good times and memories.

I, too, am hoping for a 93 antelope permit. I had one in 1990, my last Wyoming resident license. Best of luck to all in the draws!
Well boys, I hope all get those antelope draws. I am also waiting on pins and needles. Stop in and watch a Ranger game if you get a chance. We have finally gotten them boys in shape. I went through KHS during the 93 and 94 state championship teams. We are trying to get back to that form. We just need to figure out how to whoop those punchers from Piney. Kemmerer and Vegas? Give me K-town each time.

Good Hunting!!

I drew 93 for 2005. This is the first year I've pulled that zone. Can anyone give me any hints on where to go for rifle? I was thinking of concentrating time near Fontenelle Reservoir. Does anyone have some input about that area?
I was skunked again. 3rd year in a row. Still get to go out with some buddies. Maybe I can get a hold of a doe tag.

Good Hunting!!!

Well I guess I'll go hunt jack rabits. I didn't draw a tag. I thought it was a slam dunk. In 2004 the draw odds for non-res. special was 76%. This year it was 46% which wasn't that bad however I was one of the 54% that did not draw.

Julius Vatalaro

P.S. thatcherwyo1 if I am in WY in Sept. I will stop by and say Hi. Maybe I'll flyfish the Hams Fork or something.
Julius, Better luck next year.

I learned long ago not to plan on anything when it comes to drawing a tag. I've been the unlucky guy not drawing with 90% odds before.

Got lucky this year though, and will be in 93 chasing speed goats around. Looking forward to it!

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