Wyoming Antelope unit 60


New Member
I drew a buck Antelope tag for unit 60. I live in Michigan so pre scouting is not going to happen. Wondering how the population/ age class is doing.
Second I imagine opening week is a rodeo. I have no feel for hunting pressure.
If you had the tag when would you hunt?
Rifle September 21st October 31st
It’ll be great. There’s so few tags you won’t see many people. Learning how to judge them is the hardest part about that tag. You could hunt it anytime in the season that works for your schedule.
If you're not there looking around before the season opens and pick a buck out, some of the very best will be dead after daylight opening day. Otherwise go at the very end and you might see larger groups and they'll be easier to compare bucks that are difficult to judge. There will be about zero "pressure" even on the opening morning and weekends.
I've hunted the unit on opening weekend a few years ago and we never saw anyone. It's a good hunt, but you will pick through a ton of 70 to 75 inch bucks to find a decent one. When you find the decent one though it may still not be a shooter. IMO finding an 80+ buck in the unit will be very tough unless you're very good at judging them. Here's the buck I shot in the unit when I had the tag.

WY 2012.jpg
I've hunted antelope both early and late. Many of my first years hunting them, I scouted early and shot my buck on the first light of first day. Hunting that way is too quick for me. I now want an experience, so I now prefer to go after the dust settles. I really enjoy hunting goats in the rut which is the latter part of September and on. I'd advise to not wait til later in October. Grouped up herds are impossible to stalk and the weather can sometimes be brutal. We tried it once and ended up spending half the day in a gas station bathroom by the heater to get warm. Our cherry pie froze so solid in our tend you could pound nails with it.
Going a week or two after the opener means the bucks will be chasing does and you get to weed through tons of bucks to find one you want. It will require more days afield, which is why I like to hunt them that way.
With only 50 tags, you should not have much hunting pressure, regardless of when you go.
Have fun.

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