Wyoming Antelope Suggestions



LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-06 AT 09:19AM (MST)[p]Hi-

Anyone know of a good Western Wyoming unit where there are lots of animals and lots of public land access? I'm taking my wife and I'm more concerned with seeing lots of animals versus trophy quality. A couple years back I hunted unit 52 with some friends and we had a blast, there were lots of animals and good land to hunt but I'm hoping to find something a little closer.

Try units 93,94,95,or 100. These all have good public access and lots of animals. The down-side is they offer low draw odds with the regular tag (around 10%), and average draw odds on the special tag (30 to 50%). Get in on the ground floor of the points this year, and you'll draw any of these in no time. Good luck!
40% of that units tags are put into a special draw for those people that want to pay more to possibly increase their odds.
I think Elk is an extra $400 whereas deer and pronghorn are an extra $200. Look at the odds though. Sometimes you aren't increasing your odds for the extra $$$.

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