Wyoming Antelope in unit 93


I drew the unit 93 lope tag. I have talked with a couple of hunters from Oregon and Utah that have hunted it in the past. I have also talked to the Wyoming biologist for that area. So I have a little info on the unit but if anyone had any areas that seemed to hold better goats it would be greatly appriciated. I'm not looking for your seceret spots just trying to narrow down the searching is all. Thanks in advance
Stay away from Fontenelle Resv, most of the hunters go there because of the water. Get to the middle of the unit and keep your eyes open and you should do fine. Look for small streams that still have water or ponds.

Great tag. I saw some nice bucks and not many other hunters on the border with 98 up along the Hams Fork. I have had a couple doe tags in the unit and have seen decent bucks every time I have hunted it. Good luck.
Was 93 your 1st choice and how many points did you have going into the draw if you don't mind me asking?
This year was three points for me and it was my first choice. Thanks for all of the info. What caliber of a buck do you guys think I'm looking at. I have talked to three different people that have harvested 74"-76" bucks. Is an 80+" buck realistic or not. Thanks again
Jacill, I beleive that going into the draw this year the most points you could have for antelope were 2.

I was unsuccessful for 93, but have had the tag twice in the past. It is a great area for a ton of goats, we have had 4 antelope down by dinner of opening day. That is, of course, if you are hunting for just a decent buck. There are a few big ones in there, but quite a few guys in trucks running them around. I would get to a hole away from roads early on, and wait until about 10-11am and the bucks will start showing up.

Of the 8 bucks we have shot in area 93 during the last 4 years, only one has been over 80". You can find them, but you'll pass a ton of smaller bucks.

Have fun and take a prairie dog gun!


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