Wyoming antelope hunt


LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-13 AT 03:50PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-13 AT 03:48?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-13 AT 03:47?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-13 AT 02:11?PM (MST)
Honeymoon Antelope!
Well it took 6 years to draw this tag for my wife and myself, so it was pretty special. We have hunted antelope before but it's been a while, so we were going to take our time. We made the choice to wait and go the last of September, boy was that the right choice!
We took 3 days to get there as they had a big snowstorm a few days before and I wanted it to dry out some first. Have been on those kind of roads before and they are not fun driving. On our first day of hunting we stopped into the Fish and Game in Lander, Wy. for some suggestions. We were lucky to talk to just the right guy! He new all about our area and said we would be all alone out there because everybody comes the first week. We found that hard to believe but it was true, during our 3 days of hunting we saw no one except a couple stuck in the mud with their truck! After towing their truck out they were very happy to continue on with their hunt.
Day one, 50 plus mile per hour winds, we spent the day getting our bearings. We saw lot's of antelope just not the right one. Probably a good thing, with those winds chances weren't too good that we would have hit one!
Day 2 still seeing lot's of antelope, lot's of bucks all taking care of there lady friends. Then it happened! We drove around a hill and a buck was standing in the road. Looks good! This is the buck for my wife! She got out of the truck and walked around to the front and BANG! Down he goes! Nice 200 yard shot! A very good antelope with really nice curls.
Back to town we go to relax and celebrate! Now day 3 starts out! The pressure is on as the next day we are expecting a winter snow storm! Looks like this will be our last day to hunt! So off we go, same story lots of antelope, lots of bucks, just can't find the one. We drive along and look at lot's of them getting a little worried, getting a little later! Didn't expect to have only 3 days for this hunt, planned on 5, but mother nature is what it is. We just keep looking on the drive back from were we just came from a few hours earlier and I look up on a hillside and there were 3 antelope just sitting their looking at us! Out comes the spotting scope! Yep, one is a buck, he looks good, need to get a better look! So I begin the stalk around the hills, trying to stay out of their sight! When I reach the spot that I last saw them they were gone, must have went over the ridge. So I quietly start climbing the ridge, as I get to the top and look over, there he is, looking at me from 75 yards away! I can tell his horns are not super long, but the rest looks great, just need him to turn his head, but he just keeps looking at me not sure what to make of me. I can tell things are going to happen fast. Is this THE BUCK? Will this be my last chance? Six years to get a tag! Will I go home without an antelope? How can so much go though your head in just seconds. Then he TURNS! Whoa! "HE IS THE ONE!" The rest was easy. Bam down he goes. When you walk up to an animal and there is no ground shrinkage a big smile comes across your face. And I had the biggest smile ever! Yes! He is THE ONE! His horns are only 14 inches high, BUT the mass and Cutters are just what I was looking for. Six inch cutters, great mass, 14 inches high, could he make the book? After measuring him I was greatly surprised that he should make the record book! I will let other people tell me what they think? It was a great hunt and it couldn't have turned out better. Happy Wife! Happy Husband!


We were there just on the other side of the unit we hunted the south and east side. Had an awesome time just as you. Few people but lots of mud on day one. Didn't see the densities we expected but was a great area and experience. Looks as if you did well with 2 great animals!!!

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