Wyoming Antelope Draw


Long Time Member
I think I have the Wyoming point and antelope draw figured out but since I sometimes am not the sharpest tool in the shed check my reasoning out please and tell me if I am correct. I get Eastman's and also do some side research but last year missed out on a tag and still can't figure out why. I want to make sure I get it right this year.
If I as a nonresident with maximum points put in for a premium unit such as 57 or 60 and don't draw and I apply as my second choice with a green unit less than premium with a 100% draw for max points I should at least draw the lesser unit and keep my points correct. I had it figured that way last year but didn't draw 57, obviously very tough and then didn't draw the lesser unit with a 100% with max points draw, how is this possible or am I reading the regs. incorrectly. Thanks for the help.

Wyoming, like most states, awards tags to all first choice applicants first. Then, if tags are left, they go second choice, also based on points.

In your case, there were no tags left in your second choice unit after the first choice applicants were drawn, so you did not draw.

One thing you can look at, put in for a special permit as a second choice. There are a lot of units that are oversubscribed in the general draw, but undersubscribed in the special draw.

100% max points draw means that all max points applicants got that as a first choice. There could be zero or a bunch left for the second choice applicants, and you don't know how many second choice applicants who didn't draw their first choice are left in the second choice pot either, plus tag and applicant numbers can vary year to year on all hunts too...

But if you go to the random draw odds on the WYGFD website, and the total number of first and second choice applicants is less than the total number of random tags, you can feel pretty good about your chances.
I really appreciate the imput looks like I'll have to continue to apply for one of top 4 and go with one where 1st and 2nd choice applicants don't exceed random tags because I'm not lucky enough to draw on first. Thanks again
Help me too please;
I thought that Max points, which I have, used to help you draw your 2nd choice but now they don't (F&G changed the regs?). Is this correct? I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed either so, you guys in the know, please help us out.

So my 2nd choice in any unit which is 100% draw is really 100% success for first choice bonus points applicants only? Did I say that right?

I think I'm confusing myself! LOL Maybe I should re-read the regulations!


note to self...."When all else fails, read the directions"
Yep you said it right and I'm rereading the regs again to see what my actual odds are as a second choice unit. Obviously not 100% as I found last year. Good luck.
OK, Now you have us all confused Zeke. I know my bulb is going dim, but come on, you are at least a few years younger than me!

According to Eastmans MRS, if you have top points and don't draw your first choice, your top points transfer to your second choice and you get a tag before guys with less than top points as long as there is 100% odds of drawing with your points. Quoting them," make sure your second choice is a 100% draw with your amount of preference points."

One problem might be that some units don't have that many permits. But then Eastman's might be wrong too! I am not sure about Mike's bulb either?
LOL! Littlebighorn, you're killin' me!

I've been called dim again, huh?
If I wanted to be treated like that I'd go home to my wife! LOL

OK, really, do the points help on your second choice? Really?

I should be hunting Pronghorn every year then.

I guess I am dim if I don't do it!


like I said (note to self) "when all else fails, read the directions"
+1 ramtagless

I don't think they use or generate points either and the question I have is......

"Do they HELP in drawing a second choice tag"?

I'm not trying to be a smart azz here guys! I really don't know!

You guys are going to force me to read the regs! LOL

Okay, I will make a run at this.

Wyoming divides non-resident antelope tags into Regular and special tags, 60% to Regular, 40% to Special. The ONLY difference between the two is the price you pay for the tag, BUT, the odds are better on most units for the special tag. This is not necessarily true for deer or elk so BE CAREFUL.

One the tags are split, then they are split again. 75% go to the preference point draw, 25% to a random draw. BE CAREFUL. If there are less than 4 tags, zero tags go to the random draw.

Wyoming conducts there draw like most states. The Preference point draw is done first. Tags are awarded based on number of preference points. For this year, 4 points will be maximum, then down from there. All draws are completed for first choice applicants BEFORE any second choice applicants are considered.

I also saw Eastman's comment about points helping with second choice draw, and hope that is true, but there is nothing in the stats that confirms that. If your second or third choice does NOT have any tags left after the first choice draw, you have ZERO chance of drawing. If there are leftoer tags after the first choice draw, you could draw.

I believe that Wyoming will also give any leftover tags from the resident draw to first choice non-resident applicants before they go to second choice applicants, but certainly could be wrong about that. Likely do the same thing with leftover non-resident tags if first choice residents did not draw, but that is a fairly unlikely occurrence.

The only way you lose your points, and cannot gain an additional point for this year, is if you draw your First Choice.

All tags leftover after the draw is completed, Regular and Special, are available in the first come-first served leftover tag sytem that opens July 6 at 8 am. All of these tags become Regular tags at the lower fee, even if they started out as Special tags.

Hope that helps.

I don't get eastmans and obviously did not see the - points help with your second choice comments. That surprises and I don't think its accurate.
Thanks guys!

I'm glad to see that we cannot all agree on this thing.
I don't feel quite so dumb now.

Remember; "Half the people you meet are BELOW average" LOL

I know what group I fall into!

I get Eastman's and I think they have it explained incorrectly. Last year I did the typical and applied for 60 with max 3 points not expecting to draw because of the odds but I applied to a green unit that had much lower draw odds. No tag so even if it is lower than 100% you may not draw. Thanks for what you guys all did to explain it. I think it's not explained well in the regs. as I have continued to read them and still am not sure. Good luck to you all.
your bonus points are only good for your first choice unit. after that, there better be leftover tags for second choice or you won't get a tag.
So are you telling me that the Eastman boys are in the lower half?...along with you and me?

I guess it is OK to be in the dark with a dim bulb, as long as you are in good company!
Thanks for making it obvious to everyone here that I'm firmly positioned in the "below average" group.
Oh well...... I love the company.

Back to antelope, they are so much fun to hunt that I wonder why I don't just use my max points and go this year to a "lesser" popular unit.

Thanks for all the help guys! I think we have it figured out now because of you.

I've always thought 2nd choices (if tags available) are totally random....points are not relevant. It's always been this way.
Then again i have a brain almost 50yrs old, so who knows.


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