Wyoming antelope bonus point fees?


Very Active Member
Just received my bonus point letter back from Wyoming and it shows a deer bonus point, which I paid for w/o putting in for an area, and no bonus point for antelope, which I did pay for the bonus point fee. I sent them $469.00 and they returned to me, $426.00, what gives? I'm now wondering if I received a bonus point for my not drawing an elk tag. Has anyone else been seeing any of these problems?
I was reading a post yesterday about people who were having this problem. As I read further down the list, people were giving updates on their refunds and the points. I would call Wyo game and fish to just see what they say and tell them your concerns. My guess is that this being the first year they have points offered, they are still getting the bugs out of the system. I haven't seen anything yet where people have been charged for points they didn't get, or not refunded proper amounts, but they do seen to be taking longer than normal to process the checks and letters.

They are very good at sorting out problems if you do have to call. They will research your application and do what it takes to make it right. Wyoming is great for stuff like this. We had an issue with my dad's Moose points from over 6 years ago. They researched it out and figured it all out. Again, great customer service with things like this.

Kirt C.
Hunt Odds.com
They should provide great customer service with the rediculously high application fees.

THe internet might not always be correct with its info. For example, this year when I checked online for my partners antelope tag, it had no listing either successful or not. I told him and we thought the application was lost in the mail. The same day he calls me with a tag in the mail. To this day it isn't listed online for his account. So, just call and they'll fix it. Good customer service like has been said.

Called them and they checked and resent the correct bonus points awarded. As stated above they were very helpful and quick to respond. Thanks for all the inputs.

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