wyoming antelope 99 and 93???



What's everyone's opinion on these units? I've got 3 points and would really like to hunt mzl loader only hence 99. And then my brothers have 4 and 5 points. We hunted 93 4 years ago and killed two 78+ goats. So my question is is how is 93 doing and how is 99???
LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-12 AT 11:14AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-12 AT 11:13?AM (MST)

Both units took a hit, as did most everything else last winter. 99 was chuck full of antelope 2 years ago. This unit is so close to the Uinta's the winter had a major impact. Last summer it was like most the goats were just sucked up by a giant vacuum. There are still some there, but you will have to look hard to find a decent buck. Still, it is one heck of a fun hunt. If the walk in areas are still available, that is a huge piece to explore. Pretty much the same story with 93. There are still antelope, but the numbers are way down from what they were. At least the is my observation.
What would you suggest my older brother has 5 points and would really like a chance at a 80 or so buck
LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-12 AT 02:18PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-12 AT 02:17?PM (MST)

Maybe he needs to start applying for Arizona. There are probably a few 80 + bucks around, but...We would all like a chance at one. I've spent many days, weeks, months over the years, and really only seen a very few that meets that mark. Wybighorn shot one of them with his bow two years ago. We spotted him several years earlier. I think it scored 82. Horn growth was minimal last summer because those that did survive was putting everything back into rebuilding their bodies. It's been a pretty good winter so far, so maybe there will be a few mature bucks to look at. Trophy is relative. If the buck you kill is the best you have seen, after putting in the time, then you should be proud of him. 75 is probably more realistic for trophy status, out of these two units, unless you are very lucky.
I think bucklover hit the nail on the head!
We hunted 58 this year, which is supposed to be a premium antelope unit in Wyoming. We passed on literally hundreds of bucks and only saw 2 or 3 that would reach that 78" mark. Pretty tall order in any unit in Wyoming.
I really appreciate the input guys. And of course he wants an 80 but would be happy with a mid 70s buck for sure. Im pretty sure he will end up going with unit 93. Now in my case I have 3 points and would like to hunt with a mzl loader. Just haven't been able to decide on what unit that's some what close to Utah.
There is a lot of private in 99 and it seems as though the antelope have learned that as well. I've hunted 99 twice with muzzleloader and the last time the goats seemed very skittish which surprised me with the earlier hunt. I agree that there are some good walk in areas but unless you have some access I would go with 93.
Well we ended up putting three of us in for 93 going off odds we should all draw I appreciate all the info guys
My friend bucklover mentioned the buck I took during the archery hunt. Here he is. Green score he was pushing 83" after the 60 day drying period he has an official B&C score of 81 6/8"




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