Wyoming Antelope 67



A buddy and I got drawn for area 67. Anyone hunted there before? My father-in-law lives up in Thermopolis and said it was a great area. He'll be out there with us but I wanted to see what anybody else though about the area. Thx!

AZWALKER I missed your post and just came across it.
I put in for this area last year and didn't draw. I rotate between area 66 and 67 every year when applying. This is a good area with some respectable sized bucks. I have seen a few booners come out of this area. My wife took a book buck out of area 66 a few years back and the two areas border each other. Her buck is a 14 incher with six inch prongs and seven inch bases. I have hunted 67 a bunch in past years and have always taken nice bucks. 15" and 16" bucks in this area are not rare and have seen a few go 17"
I used to hunt the Sand Draw oilfield area below Beaver Rim. This is on the west edge of your area.
There is a well traveled road called Oil Springs road on the way to Sand Draw which turns east off the Sand Draw highway about fourteen miles out of Riverton. This is one of my favorite areas to hunt both antelope and deer. It is not all flat and lots of deep washouts to keep you hidden and plenty of hills to sneak up from behind.
There is also a road that turns north out on Gas Hills highway east of Riverton that will take you to the little town of Shoshoni. This is a good area also.
If your father-in-law has been around this area very long he will know where I am talking about.
Good luck,hope you get a big one and would like to see some pictures.
Thx for the info man. I really appriciate it. I'm very excited about this hunt. Its my first hunt in Wyo and my first goat hunt so you can imagine how thrilled I am. Thx again and I will deffinatly post some pics if God willing, I get one.

I almost forgot to ask, what system do you use to field judge goats? I've seen what I would think to be good Antelope and then I've seen great ones. It seems like its always easier to judge great ones but good ones seem a little tougher. How do you do it???

LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-05 AT 06:00PM (MST)[p]I always look for mass first. They have to be heavy and you will know it when you see it. If you can see good mass from 400 yards with the naked eye take a second look up close. I have taken sixteen inch bucks that would only go 78 points and then there are bucks like the one my wife got that is fourteen inches and scores 81. It's all mass.
When I find a few with good mass then I keep a mental picture in my head with each buck I see and compare each one of them for length and overall size and pick from those. I even take notes and and give them names so I know which ones are which. I take my prairie goat hunting serious. I know you are limited in how many days you have to hunt and it could get frustrating not having the time to scout and be choosy.
I usually start scouting during August and go every weekend till the end of season. Most of the days during the season itself I just scout and then wait until the second to last or last weekend to pick from all the bucks i've seen. Later in the season is better because the rut is usually over and the bucks start hearding together with the does and it's really easy to compare the bucks that way. That's how it is in my part of the country.
I would like to see some pictures when the time comes. Good luck.

Thanks Jon, I really appriciate it man. I'll post my pics for ya for sure.

I drive by the unit every day, there is good bucks in this unit. Check your maps or contact G&F, there is walk in area on some private.

Most of this area is easy access and not much private land. There is enough of this area that is not private that you should just be able to hunt BLM and not worry about getting on private property. I have spent days hunting this area and never touching private land.
Like Mike said be sure and bring your maps.

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