wyo unit 73



Does anybody have info on this unit,goat numbers,goat size,steep,flat,looks like fair amount of BLM land.
My first WYO speedgoat hunt just looking for any help!
Not looking for anyones honey hole,thanks for your post

There is adequate public land in the area to hunt, but there is also bunch of private land. You'd be wise to carry a BLM map while there. Looks like the southern portion has a little gentler topography. I've never hunted there but I'd guess there are plenty of antelope and even a few nice ones. Good luck in the draw!
I hunted unit 73 in 1994 and 1995. Hunted on the Forgey Ranch. 20 minutes north of Casper. The rancher told me that there were over 4000 antelope on his 150,000 acre ranch. Now I don't know if there were that many, but there seemed to be a herd of emm over every hill. It was the middle of Sept. , so they were ruttin pretty good. I harvested a nice 15 incher. They charged a $100 access fee. I don't know if the Forgey's still do this access thing, but it would be worth a call to find out. beats the heck outa driveing around looking for a place to hunt. Also if you get an animal, Indian Ice Meat Processing can have your goat caped, cut ,wrapped, frose and ready to go over-nite. Scott's Taxidermy does a nice antelope mount, he's right next to Indian Ice. O ya, the ranchers wife's name is Gretta, she handled the acess fee and hunters. Hopefully they didn't lease there place to outfitters. good luck . Dan
Thanks for all your help. Will try to geet in touch with them asap


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