wyo unit 26 moose



i have drawn a bull moose tag for area 26.
i am wondering have the wolves moved that far south yet?
how is the outlook for moose in 26 this year?
i know 26 covers a lot of land.
which drainage may give the best chances?
is there a posibility of a 50 in.?
If the bull has decent palms, especially if he has some browpalms, anything approaching 40" is pretty good in most people's opinion. Back in 2002, I shot a 38" bull with my bow, he had decent palms but his brows were fully developed on both sides. He scored right at 130 gross, just missing P&Y on the net score. I was very happy with him, but next time I'll be holding out for a bigger bull now that I have one shiras.

I decided to not look a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak, and took him the first day. Of course, part of that was because we were able to get a vehicle right to where we shot him, and loaded him whole onto the truck. That part was sweet for a moose.

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