Wyo. Ram 'Points' Posted


Long Time Member

I have another Ram point ..... no Ram tag coming my way....

I guess the $$$ refund check will help sooth my depression!

mine shows no points for this year , i guess i drew sheep and moose both, {well i can dream anyway}
I'm still sitting on 11. I'm trying to remain mildly optimistic that I'll get the tag (I gave an outfitter a deposit at the Hunting Expo, just in case). My wife's moose points are still the same, too. Perhaps the G&F just hasn't made it to the W's yet. Best of luck to all that applied!
I must be a knucklehead, I have been looking at the WY website for at least 20 minutes and can not find any link to look up points. All I have found is drawing status, and all that shows up on there is my unsuccessful status for 2007 elk.

Hopefully, that means you're going moose hunting. What area, and how many points did it take to draw last year? I sure hope it's not some computer glitch that's causing the points to change. I'm not getting too excited until I see the actual results posted. Good luck!
I don't think it is complete yet. Mine says "cannot find your record", but shows the 6 points for moose and sheep I went into the draw with.
My bud from No. Ogden has drawn moose as his points are 0 but his Ram points are still there.

I'm thinking a guy from Cali.... EF.... drew a Ram tag too!! max point pool!!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-07 AT 11:58AM (MST)[p]Well Robb spilled the beans on me...LOL
Looks like I drew unit 38 moose..all my Moose points are gone and I have a extra Sheep point.
Congrats on the excellent tag! You'll have a definite chance at a B&C caliber bull in 38.

So, the question is: If your points aren't zeroed out, does that mean another UNSUCCESSFUL, followed by a big refund check?

My points have remained the same; no more added or zeroed out. Not sure what that means. Maybe I'll see something tomorrow.
Still shows 11 sheep and 7 moose points, same as I had going in. No, I am one below max, but who knows, in 05 it took fewer than I had for the sheep hunt I applied for. Should have applied for it then. I expect to draw the moose hunt I applied for, not sheep, but would not be suprised to get both or neither. I really do not want both, but at least it would get me out of the points gouging fees and price increases next year.

And congrattulations to Mrs. Pleasedear.....
Damn!!! EF... I was hoping to read Ram Tag!!! It is all good...

Thanks, she is still a little in shock!

When is the first scouting trip Nate...

I still have 7 points for sheep and moose. Hoping for a moose tag as well. Slim chances for random sheep tag. Good luck.
I called too and asked what's up with some getting updated points totals and some not. The guy I talked to said the drawing has not taken place yet, so points should not be updated. He had no explination for the updated points totals some guys now see.
Hmmmmmmmm....I have one more point than I did going in. I think they are sticking to the company line. Hope one of you guys gets a tag.
Anyone see any changes in the last couple of working days? Perhaps they did they random draw first, and those results went out mistakenly to those with no hope in the preference draw? I got to think I my best odds of a sheep tag this year is with WY. I'd rather draw a desert or MT tag, but you can not be too picky with sheep tags. And I think I should get a moose tag in the unit I applied for.
Non-Resident Mountain Goat Unsuccessful N/A
Non-Resident Bighorn Sheep Unsuccessful N

Yep...my initial scouting mission to the site was right on...no Wyoming sheep.
unit 27. It's about 50% private. Made some contacts prior to the draw. We will see how it goes. It's going to be a busy fall.
As expected, sheep, unsuccessful, moose successful. Cool, never hunted moose before, and I really can not afford both the same year.

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