Wyo & Colo Refund $$


Long Time Member
How come ... when I get the Cashiers Check and send in the fee for sheep/moose in Wyo. and for sheep/ goat in Colo. they seem so 'uge $$$........

But when the refund checks come.... they seem normal and not that 'uge $$$ ?

Probably because you usualy draw the tag... and all you get back is the BP fee....LOL

Your karate is strong grasshopper....
Because the refund check is less huge. $112 less huge for WY sheep. Actually, you consider the tag worth more than what you sent in, or you would not have sent it in. Not drawing is a letdown, no matter what excuses you try to console yourself with.
"How come ... when I get the Cashiers Check and send in the fee for sheep/moose in Wyo. and for sheep/ goat in Colo. they seem so 'uge $$$........
But when the refund checks come.... they seem normal and not that 'uge $$$ ?


Very True!!!!!!!!!!!LOL


Proverbs 3:5-6

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