wyo bighorn

Matter of fact made my list last week and have alot of my gear spread all over the pool table. Will probably start packing this weekend.
Good thing your permit is in 4 instead of area 5. Looks like WYG&F is letting those permit holders return their tags because of the fire closures. Wouldn't that be a pisser...wait 20 years for a permit, and then you can't go. At least the WYG&F will give you the same tag for 2007.
yea that would be a heart breaker. But like you said they can use it next year.
Congrats on the tag of a lifetime. Hope you whack a twister of a ram. I also drew a area four sheep tag after 30 years of applying. I will start my hunt on the 27th of aug with bow for a week then will swap it out for a rifle if need be. Best of luck.
We will be riding in on the 29th maybe we will run across each other. Good luck
Two weeks from Sunday I will be heading out for the hunt. Its been hard to sleep at night all I see are bighorns.
Fuzzy we got our sheep last Monday here are a couple of pic's.
Help I can't get the pic's to load
Here are the pictures of DiamondJ's hunt in WYO Unit 4. Congrats to both you and your dad Kevin.

Was this a father/son hunt? If it was, congrats on the most special hunt anyone could ever go on! Beautiful country, nice rams, and to share to the experience with your dad is truly a once in a lifetime event.
Actually My dad had a tag and a guy out of Minn had the other I was just along for the ride. Me and my dad own Diamond J outfitters so it was a self outfitted hunt. Even though I did not have a tag myself it was still very special to hunt sheep with my dad. We have been hunting this same area for the last 25 yrs. I will try to make time and post a story of the hunt today or tomorrow.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-06 AT 07:18AM (MST)[p]They said the one on the left to be 8 and the one on the right to be 8-1/2 or 9.
I will try to give the short version of the hunt,
I left on Sunday the 27th from NM and drove to Evanston WY where I picked up my Trailer and 4 mules and spent the night. The next morning headed up to Dubois where I met my dad and jerry (our other hunter from MN) we slept in the trailers at trail head that night. Woke the next morning packed the anomals with food and gear and made the LONG 8 hour trip into where we would camp we got camp all set up at around 7:00pm short dinner and off to bed.
Woke Wednesday to our first day of scouting, scouted Wednesday and Thursday with no sight of mature rams only small rams, ewes and lambs. First day of season was the same as the 2 days before. On Saturday morning at around 9:00am we found our first mature ram full curl around 160 class. as we made a plan do go into the hell hole they called home it was just a short 1 hour hike into the bottom. We were unable to find the ram as we think he was camped out in the trees, We headed back out of his home a short 3 hour climb on hands and knees as the canyon was so steep. No problem getting to sleep that night.
Sunday brought new light and hopes as we found another good ram to go after but as luck would have it half way down the canyon we find him and his buddies heading over the top never to be seen again STRIKE TWO.
Monday morning found us all a little slower then the days before as we are getting older and more out of shape then we care to admit but off to the top we went on our daily 2-1/2 hour mule ride. As we split up to check different canyons myself and Jerry in one and dad in another, I find a shooter ram heading into the trees. As I glassed to make sure he did not slip over the top Jerry went to get dad. As I never saw the ram come out of the trees we made a plan for a stalk. The only way to get close was to walk down the top of the ridge which was nothing but steep loose rock. As we figured he had bedded down for the mid morning we took our time and made our stalk. As we approached the end of the ridge which had a 75' sheer drop at the end we figured we would be around 150 yds above them we glassed the trees and surrounding area and could not find them. We figured STRIKE THREE, but as I looked down the canyon I spot 2 rams coming out of thr trees below. As I watch 5 rams in all with 2 shooters come out into the open I get dad and Jerry into position and figure who will take which ram. I range them at 299yds Jerry is first at the heavy ram and dad will take the full curl. First shot goes over the top of the ram as the steep angle dose not let the bullet drop as we expected (to him to hold dead on sighted in for 200) second shot still high, third shot finds it's mark right thru the lungs. Dads first shot right thru the top of the sholder and down thru the leg (Almost shooting straight down on him) second shot couldn't tell ya. As both rams get into the trees and not coming out we sat there for around 10 min. couldn't take it any more. We headed down into the trees after them we figured Jerry's was done as I seen where he was hit so after dad's we went. We found his ram lieing on the edge of the trees very much alive as dad put another round in right behind the shoulder the stood and ran down hill into another patch of timber. As we approached the second patch of timber we found him piled up and we had our ram. After all the high five's and hugs we went and found Jerry's ram right where we figured and the high five's started all over. After we got the animals cleaned and caped we hauled the headed and capes out that night and the next morning me and Jerry retrieved the meat. We packed up camp and headed out on Wednesday and I was able to get back to NM on Friday. Just in time to get clothes washed and repacked as I head to WY for archery elk on the 15th.
congrats to you and yours diamond. Those look a whole bunch bigger than the ram I harvested after 16 days of hunting. I ended up with a 140 type of ram and was so tickled I spotted hehehehe, still on cloud nine. Dont know how to go about getting pics up but maybe if somebody can help me out I can show off the littlest greatest biggest sheep in my freezer hehehe
Here's "fuzzy's" Ram pictures that he asked me to post for him. Nice ram and the pictures, tell us the story of the hunt.

Diamondj and fuzzy, Nice story, great rams! Man I loved my sheep hunt and wish I could go again. I killed an area 4 ram in 04 and it was a fantastic experience. Where were you hunting in area 4? I hunted with Fritz Meyer, Windriver Mt. Outfitters.
Thanks for sharing guys! My only complaint DJ, is your story was too short in the telling. Got over too quick!

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