Wyo Antelope units 93, 94, 95, or 96?


Long Time Member
I have 2 NR points for Antelope in Wyoming and am leaning towards one of these 4 units (93, 94, 95, or 96) based on proximity to home (more opportunity to scout and hunt) and past discussions with biologists/past hunters?

Which unit would you choose and why? If not one of those units, what others would you consider?

Feel free to PM me if you prefer.
Me and my boy( 13 at the time) hunted Unit 95 last year. There were antelope everywhere. We saw over 100 bucks each day. lots of 70"ers. We both got really nice bucks, but they were few and far between.
I have hunted 95 (2007) and 94 (2008). I think 95 has better quality and much less pressure (fewer tags). The animals were easier to get in on over in 95. I shot a 76" buck in 95 and something like a 73" in 94. Both are very fun hunts, Cant go wrong w either in that department.
Myth Buster.....

There is no "secret" antelope unit in southwestern Wyoming, every one of them are great and every one of them hold 80" antelope as well as plenty of public land to hunt from, regardless of what you read. There are a few overrated units IMO but there really are no bad ones. The worst one I can think of is Unit 99 and only because of the lack of public land. I use to apply for the muzzleloader only tag in that unit as a second choice and have shot some great goats there. In todays world of rating units, everyone wants to hunt the best areas. The problem? with southwestern Wyoming is that there is not a bad antelope unit. Pick one with easier drawing odds and have fun, antelope hunts are a kick with extremely high success rates. If you want to trophy hunt then dig out the maps and find a place where he can grow old.
I re-read my post and better clarify that an 80" antelope is pretty rare and you would have to put your time in and get lucky to kill one (although they do exist in every unit IMO). My point is that antelope hunts are just plain fun, especially for younger hunters/wives and guys like me that like to see game and have the opportunity to shoot. This is a one or two day hunt for nonresidents unless you are head hunting.

Most hunts are difficult/challenging for someone not familiar with a unit, antelope are not because of the numbers of animals and the wide open spaces that are Wyoming.

There are more antelope in the state of Wyo than people.

Good Luck
Thanks guys for the info - sounds like we are pretty safe going with any of these units. Whatever one we pick, we will do our homework and scouting prior to the hunt. We are going into this hunt for the fun of it and won't get hung up on score, so sounds like we will be happy with really any of the Southwestern Wyoming units. Thanks again guys!
I have hunted 93 a bunch. There are tons of antelope, we have shot 2 that have been within an inch of B&C, official score. Just cover lots of ground and check the nooks and crannies.


If ya pull a 95 or 99 tag- touchbase with me as I have boo-coo experience in both units for like 10 years running!

Although, I did switch this year to 112 as I did 102 deer with max points (big deal there! ha) on both species.

Thanks Robb - I will probably just buy a point this year since I drew the Utah Elk tag, but next year I will get in touch with you if I draw.



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