WY vs Utah




LOL... I guess doing a media clip before the game guarantee'ing your win wasnt such a hot idea eh coach?

Whats doubly amusing about this picture is it happened just after Utah successfully completed an onside kick which of course you gotta do with the score being so close an all...


>Was that for real?? If that's
>true that's some funny stuff.

Absolutely real, happened this last weekend.

Wow, He really flipped them off. I heard something about it but I didn't think it was so blatant. That's hilarious. I can't believe that.
As classless as the one finger salute was, it wasnt near as classless as Whitt calling for an onsides kick, up 43-0 in the third quarter.

Cant wait for them Yewts to come to Provo and get STOMPED!! Go COUGARS!!
I laugh when people complain about other teams "running up" the
score. Who really cares. Its entertainment and nothing more.

That Sareceno (spelling?) was complaining the other day about one of the nfl teams running up the score. The fans paid for entertainment, they should get.

I think its hilarious, congrats to Wyoming :)
I was raised that sports was more about winning....it was about SPORTSMANSHIP!! Running up the score on another team, especially out of spite, isnt SPORTSMANSHIP its plain old fashioned BUSH LEAGUE!! When my kids are old enough to play sports, I will teach them the same why I was taught. Its part of being a good sport and a good person!

And another thing, When you score a touchdown, act like you've been there before. You didn't invent anything that will help the human race or anything. You scored 6 points, nothing more nothing less! Have a little class!

Its fair chase, or its foul!
Thats what you get for talking smack. Nothing like a little humble pie. Wyo has to be my least favorite team on the planet so I might be a little bias. Wyo ran their mouth and the Utes ran the score. You reap what you sow. I'm not a Ute fan either.
in the words of the coach from the mighty ducks
"Its not worth winning if you cant win big"
go utes

Just Living The Dream
"I was raised that sports was more about winning....it was about SPORTSMANSHIP!! Running up the score on another team, especially out of spite, isnt SPORTSMANSHIP its plain old fashioned BUSH LEAGUE!! When my kids are old enough to play sports, I will teach them the same why I was taught. Its part of being a good sport and a good person!"


Thats a good comment. This is how it should be in little league/youth sports.

However, Pro and College is ALL about winning. If they don't win, schools and teams lose money. The more points college teams score, the better their ranking, publicity, and opportunity for bowl invitations.
I believe that you should do your best for the lenght of the entire contest. Thats what you practice for. It is almost a slap in the face of the athletes that have trained hard to be thier best and then you penalize them by setting them down cause the score is unbalanced. Let them take thier lumps maybe they will be motivated to practice harder. A great team or athlete should be allowed to show thier stuff.
Tuff, I would agree with you, but with the advent of the BCS, the only way for a mid-major like Utah to get noticed in the "computer" is by running up the score on crappy teams. To kyle's credit, he did run the ball 19 out of the last 21 plays. I like Joe Glenn, just not their fans that I have met, A-holes. It's freaking funny that he flipped them off.

The Pros are different, they are paid to perform and it's their fault if they look bad. You will never see a salesmen back off of an account because he is getting all the sales and a competing company is looking bad. Pros are PAID to score.

All that said, I will be front and center to watch the Cougs crush the utes and tear away any hopes of redeeming this season. Rise and shout.


In my oppinion it is not about the score being run up on a team. There has been lots of games out there where the scores were worse then that. One team just not being able to stop the other team. Which was the case in this game as well. Utah was doing whatever it wanted and still scoring. The problem was when Whitt called an onsides kick after scoring, already up 43 to 0. The utes didn't need to do that to get the ball back. There defence had been doing a great job all day long. Doing what ever you wanted all day long and scoring at will is a big enough slap in the face to WY. He didn't need an onsides kick to prove a point that Utah smashed WY.

You just dont pull that kind of stunt even in college or the the pros.

Just my thoughts

LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-07 AT 11:09AM (MST)[p]
I agree with what many others here have said. Running up the score in the NCAA is almost imperative for the mid majors. Most of the voters in the major polls don't watch all the games and sometimes don't base their votes on anything other than the scores that they read in the newspaper.

My favorite team does it week in and week out if at all possible, because they want to appear in another BCS game. I will say that they play mostly 2nds and 3rds in the fourth quater of a blowout, and I have never seen them attempt an onside kick when the score was so far gone.

Betcha can't guess who I root for ;-)

In this particular case I think the coach should have just kicked it off and let his defense back onto the field. Heck, if for no other reason than to give some of the 2nds and 3rds some gametime experience.
If you can't hang then you shouldn't run your mouth like you can (guaranteeing a win before the game). That's a pretty ballsy call to onside it like that in that situation but this isn't little league football. These guys train year round for these games. You shouldn't have to go half speed just because the team your are playing sucks that day. Maybe they should go 1AA or quit complaining IMO.

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