Wy Unit 93 Antelope Q?



If anyone has had this hunt and would like to share your opinions and experiences, feel free to PM me. As a NR, I am trying to plan/choose my selection for 2007. Would be a DIY hunt. Thanks.

Hey Red,
I have not actually hunted this unit, but I did Moose hunt in the same areas several years ago. I saw some pretty nice goats, but nothing outstanding. I doubt you can plan on this area though, as the odds last year were something like 9% to draw. That's not very encouraging information and it probably doesn't help you any. But it is information. Good Luck!
I have hunted 93 a few times. Lots of goats. Some mid to upper 70's. Very few book goats. Fun hunt. Tough draw. Good luck
Pretty much what huntin100 said. Theres lots of country and you can find a good goat but you gotta travel a lot of miles and look over a lot of goats. Good luck on the draws!
I hunted 93 the past 2 seasons. It was alot of fun, but the goats are VERY skiddish, even on the opener. There is a lot of country to cover, and very easy to get lost or turned around. So make sure you have a good map if you get the tag. There weren't alot of big goats, and I have only seen 2 I was sure would go book. There are plenty of goats though. Good Luck!


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