WY Tag Surrender ?



Can you surrender your tag prior to the hunt start and get your points back plus gain one as they do in Utah? I find where they talk about refunds in the regs but not a surrender.
Inherent Risk in Applying:
Each applicant assumes an inherent risk when applying for a license
to be used in the future. license Fees are generally nonreFundable
once a license has been issued. Please consider the risk when applying.
Please refer to page 7 section 2(n) for refund policy.

They'll refund your money if you draw a tag and die before the season opens, but the relatives have to go through all the hoops to get it back. That is normally about the only way they will refund money. However, I have a good buddy in Sheridan and his Dad, who is in his 70s, had hunted out there for something like 40 straight years. Last year he ended up having to have serious knee surgery just a month before the season opened and even with paperwork from his Doctors explaining that he couldn't be on his feet for a hunt that quickly, he had one hell of a time getting his money back.
I don't care about the money, I just want to keep my points. some states let you keep your points and gain another as if you never drew if you surrender it and eat the cost of the tag prior to the start of the hunt. I can't find anything about this in the WY regs.
A dead guy ain't worrying about points...But, sheep and moose tags will be resissued the next year with a doctor's note saying you couldn't hunt the whole season for medical reason. I think military deploynent will do the same for all tags. No way they reissue points once you draw the tag.....kiss em goodby. Honestly, I think the points only option is way more than generous....I wouldn't allow that, if I were king. If you aren't serious, let those who are get the tags!
In 2005 I had to have a serious surgery, and couldn't make my deer hunt. I had to provide proof from my Dr. stating my condition. I recieved a refund and lost my points. About as fair as a guy could hope for!

Don P.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-11 AT 08:22PM (MST)[p]Question for you peez3006---How could you lose Wyoming deer PPs in 2005 when they didn't even start selling them for the first time until 2006 for the draw in 2007?
Haven't points for sheep been around up there for a while?

You can get a refund if for a medical reason can't go on the hunt. I got a refund for my son and I the year before last when I herniated a disk and had back surgery. I think that is the only way. We did get our points back and were also able to apply for points that year.
Death is another way to get a refund. Heck, they'd probably even give the points back.......

Brian Latturner
Founder---That is correct, but nonresident PPs for elk, deer, and antelope didn't start until 2006, so this year guys that started in 2006 and have purchased them every year and not drawn a first choice tag have 5 PPs going into the 2011 draw!
I guess I'm going to have to.

It's not a matter of being serious it's a matter of drawing hunts that overlap. anyone who applies in multiple states knows why I'm asking elmer.
Section n on page 11 of the current 2011 Nonresident Application Booklet specifically covers the various instances where a license can be surrendered. They involve death of the license holder, incapacitating injury, jury duty, and military deployment. Holders of a sheep, moose, or goat tag can get the tag reissued for the following season if proper paperwork is submitted regarding what I just mentioned. All of those reasons must be supported by the required paperwork along with a standardized G&F request form. There is absolutely no way to just say you want to surrender your license like you are implying and have them do it. They make you jump through a bunch of hoops to get your money back even when you are injured, like I mentioned earlier.
As I said I don't want my money back I might want my points back, I have problems but money isn't one of them.

Several states including Utah let you do just what I am asking, and after all of this I called WY and no you cannot save your points once the drawing has taken place by any means.
So what exactly did you put in for and what are the odds from last year that you will or won't draw a tag on your first choice? I guess the only thing left is for all of us to pray you don't draw your first choice tag and lose your PPs! You've got mine if that's what it has come down to!!!
You can withdraw online by June 1st, get your money back minus the app fee, then buy points in September. Several states usually post results by June 1st (NV, CO, UT, AZ elk/antelope).
You're a big help topgun you wish me as much luck as I'm wishing you and we're fine. if you put in for more than a rabbit tag in one state you'd understand what my delema is.
I could be wrong, but only Utah lets you surrender a tag before the season for no reason and get your points back. You would lose the money, but not the points.

It may be the same for another state, but most are not that way.
Sounds like you are in a pickle and our going to have weight your decision on applying with your other options. Colorado allows it or they use to allow it. You lose your license fee, but can keep your points...or you get to keep your license fee and lose your points. As stated, you might be able to retract your application prior to June 1st in Wyoming, but depending on what else you apply for it might or might not be helpful.

There are lots of Non-residents in the same boat as you that apply in multiple states. I love that Wyoming let's you know about elk early, so you can plan for the other draws before the deadline. I'm not sure what states you are applying for, but if it is New Mexico and Wyoming and you draw both you will have 2 tags. If it were CO or UT, you could turn one of those back in.

Best of luck and I'm glad you brought the subject up as I am in the same boat with only vacation enough for one out of state hunt per year.
I'm looking at a late Utah elk draw and a late season WY deer tag, my chances at both are decent but not a sure thing. both are the same time, with my luck I'll draw both or neither.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-11 AT 04:27PM (MST)[p]440sixpack--You completely misunderstood what I was trying to say! I meant that I hoped you drew the one tag in the other state that it sounded like you wanted and that you didn't draw the first choice in Wyoming and kept your points. My last sentence was praying that things work out for ya man!!! Anyway, if we are talking about deer and you think you will draw the Utah tag you can go in and either modify or withdraw from the deer and antelope draws until June 3 and you would still be able to buy a PP this year to be added to your PPs for next years draw. That's the only way you won't lose your PPs unless you put in and draw a second or third choice for Wyoming. Then you would be out the tag if you draw the same dates for Utah, but would keep your points. Good luck and I hope we're straight on what I was really trying to say on the other post, LOL!
UT lets you surrender for no reason before the hunt with your points back plus one, no refund. NV is now the same as UT. CO you can either get your points (you don't get one for the current year) or a refund, not both. AZ and WY you pretty much own it.
If you draw UT, you will know in time to withdraw your WY deer app & reapply for a point in the point period. You have up until early/mid June to do that. Or surrender the UT tag with no refund to keep the UT points...

You lose your points and money should you draw WY and not be able to hunt because you draw conflicting hunts in other states...That's not a good enough reason in WY's eyes....Period.
I see what you're saying, and you're right.

Topgun I'm sorry, there are so many wise guys on here sometimes I expect that type of response. again my apologies.
No problem! I don't "splain" things very well sometimes, LOL! What is the latest date that you figure you will know your Utah draw results?
They say late May, but I haven't quite decided if I'm going for a real good late unit or an OK early hunt. with 13 points I'm in limbo land, just enough to tease you into thinking you should try. then there's my wife's 59 late WY tag she put in for with max points, but if she did draw that I'd know before the Utah deadline.

Too many hunts, not enough points.
I know what you mean! Last year I had so many going that I ended up loading the camper and just staying out on the road for seven solid weeks. I started in Wyoming with helping a friend the last two weeks of September on an elk bowhunt, then had two weeks with another guy on a combo deer/antelope hunt, a couple days helping the first guy take that 357 3/8" bull in rifle season, then up to ND for a week of pheasant hunting, finished off with a five day packin mulie hunt with muzzleloaders in the Gila of sw NM. When I got home I had 7,000 miles on the truck and what seemed like that many on my boots! I only had a few days to get the yard back in shape with all the leaves down and then it was up to my cabin in northern MI for our two week whitetail rifle season. By the time December rolled around I was one tired, but happy camper, LOL! Hey, somebody has to do it!!!

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