wy. sheep ?


Long Time Member
if i happen to draw a sheep tag in wyoming this year{i wont} im trying to draw in the random. if i draw a unit with mostly wilderness about how much does a guide charge? i dont really want to go guided but if a guy had to , i was just wondering what the cost would be. {this is a totaly worthless post because ill never get a tag. im bored i guess}
The more important question is; Any Wyoming resident out there want to be my friend and go sheep hunting?
Some of the really good outfitters around Cody are now getting $8,500 for their sheep hunts.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-07 AT 11:41PM (MST)[p]Thats some funny stuff 2 PNT!!!

No kidding, I'm pretty sure that is the question he is asking -

NOT - hey anybody want $8K that I have sitting around that my wife can't find anything to spend it on.

Keep your head up - Montana just sent an extra 50 Bighorns to Wyoming. You never know!!!

You could be in my shoes and REALLY not have a chance to draw.
nope, not the question i was asking.
question 2 is, does anyone know how many tags got turned back in last year in sheep unit 5 because of the fires? im trying to come up with some kind of plan for my annual 100 dollar donation to wyoming game and fish
To get # of tags turned in for area 5 call Cody office and ask for Kevin Hurley, he has the #'s. Don't know how many tags were issued of top of my head but there were 46 hunters(R&NR) that took 44 sheep with an ave. age of 7.2. There are 139 NR with max points going into 2007.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
19 tags turned in for 2006 in unit 5 due to fires.

They will be issuing 12 less (48 vs 60) in 07 than 06 in unit 5 to account for the overflow from 2006.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-07 AT 09:29AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-07 AT 09:29?AM (MST)

We charge $7500.00 for 10 days of hunting. Mostly hunt unit 4-5.
We harvest 2 in unit 4 last year both scoring in the 170's. Good luck someone has to draw.

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