WY sheep, mark my words: bad news.


Very Active Member
On bowsite there are rumors about WY talking about cutting ALL NR sheep tags. Can you imagine? This is unreal. Even talk about this seems unfair after charging us $100 for points. Again this is a rumor - but it has me salty! We need to figure out what to do to be sure this fire is put out now.

I would be willing to bet that no matter what inside of 10 years NR tags will see drastic cuts in WY, to half what they are now. Why not? Cut tags in half and double point fee cost - same $$$ more tags for resident. Wait 5 years. Do it again.

I also think if they do this they are getting dangerously close to bait and switch!

Keep in mind these are only rumors.

Does anyone have any idea how we can find out:

1. If this is true.

2. If it is true what we can do to stop this plan cold.

3. What the next powerball winning numbers are so I can wind and book an Alberta hunt and be done with it.

MARK MY WORDS INSIDE OF 10 YEARS NONRESIDENT WYOMING SHEEP TAGS WILL SEE AT LEAST A 50% REDUCTION. I think they currently give 40% to NR. I think it will go to 20% then 10%.
40% to Non Residents seems quite high. Cutting that in half would be closer in line with other states wouldn't it?
Wyoming allocates 25% of the moose and sheep quota to non-residents (Thank You, Wyo!!). With the non-resident wilderness rule, I don't see too many cuts for sheep. Too much vested interest with the guiding industry to drastically cut sheep tags.
There is some assemblyman who wants to introduce a bill to tat effct, a long way from being a rule. It would reimburse point $$$ to nonresidents too, as is only fair, that should stop it. The guide lobby is pretty strong in WY, the high nonresident quota and wilderness guide requirement are both a result. Anway, future possible changes are why points suck. The fairest way to draw is just give everyone an equal shot each year and take the future as it comes.

By the way, WY is about the only state where it is easier for a nonresident to draw moose and sheep tags than a resident.
25% could be right, my bad, still very high and I still expect to see cuts. I do hope outfitters stand up against this if it ever happens. Seems far from possible - but then again better to spot it now and curb it rather then fight to have it overturned!

Is it really easier for a NR? I did not think so, are there still residents with max points? I am just guessing.
Yes. Especially for moose, it takes nonresidents less points to draw most units. Looks like top sheep pools in the better hunts will clear out around the same time, but nonresidents can sneak in on the easier draw sheep units with less points. The much higher prices, guide in wilderness law, and relatively high 25% quota all play factors in it, but rarely do noresidents have better draw odds, like for these two species in WY. If you do not believe me, the draw odds are all here:

Just a rumor, don't get your panties in a bind. Wyoming is more than fair to nonresidents and I don't see the tag allocation changing in the near future.
Wyoming rams are 99% tight curl little boys anyway, why spend the money for a little Wyoming ram?
Afterall, Wyoming or any state can manage the species how they see fit to do so.

Alot goes into tag allocations other than who pays the most for a tag.

And some guys plead for N.Mex and Idaho to go to a point system... need any more reference as to how the modern day point system work..ha...open your wallet and bend over!

Plus, it is a freedom of choice to not apply in any given state--or to apply in any given state.....

It is and always will be about $$$$ to the F&G. Opportunity vs.
Quality. Opportunity provides the most money for the F&G dept.
Could you imagine what kind of muleys Montana could produce if they were not hunted during the rut in general season. Being the only state that does provide this, the F&G makes alot of money because the average hunter can hunt the rut with a general tag.
As far as Wyoming and there sheep, the F&G needs to call MT. F&G and place an order for some good old MT. sheep. Seems Like they are sending our sheep everywhere else, instead of offering more resident tags. Must be that money thing again!!!!!
Habitat conditions betwen WY and montana are very different. Montana has winter ranges in the 1500-3000 foot elevation thus longer growing season more grass. The core WY(areas 1-5) winter at 7000 feet up. Much harsher conditions shorter growing season. Wy has transplanted Missouri Breaks sheep into the Bighorns.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
That's great that Wyo. got some MT. genes in the bighorns. I was not aware of this transplant, hopefully it will work out. I think the bighorns mtns. should be a great area for them.

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